
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Friendly flowers

Daisies are my favorite flower.

Did you know that?

I mentioned it before on my old blog several times, but oddly enough I don't think I've written about it here on this one, except for maybe in passing.

In the Movie 'You've Got Mail', which I've quoted before, because it's one of my favorites. Meg Ryan's character, Kathleen Kelly asked... 

"Don't you think daises are the friendliest flower?"

Yes, I do, Kathleen.

I bet I know what you're thinking.

"Why is she blathering on about daises and posting pictures of tulips?" 

Well, if daises are nowhere to be found at the moment, but you still want to add a little Spring in your home, I think tulips are the next best thing.

So I brought some home with me :)

And they're pretty friendly looking too.

Don't you think?




  1. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower...followed by Cala Lillies. Daisies and Tulips are so pretty also and come in so many beautiful can't help but love them! I love your photos! Love and hugs sweet friend!

  2. Your tulips are beautiful! I do love them too. My Dad had a special garden in the backyard just for tulips. We had them all over the house in various vases all Spring. I can remember going to school many times clutching a bunch for my teachers. Do kids still do that????

  3. Daisies are one of my favorite flowers, too. But, there's nothing like tulips that say SPRING! They're absolutely beautiful. :-)

  4. The tulips are beautiful, but daisies are my fave too. I think daisies go with everything and they always last a long time too.I love your milkglass vase and bowl.

  5. I love "You've Got Mail". It's a movie I can watch over and over. Even if I didn't like the storyline I'd still watch it just to see Kathleen's brownstone apartment. The tulips are so pretty in your milk glass vase. I like the way you've layered it with the bowl and saucer. Nicely done. xo

  6. I love daisies too. Love the pretty tulips in the milk vase. Very sweet.
    Have a great evening.

  7. I was actually thinking that very thing about the pictures of the tulips! ;-) Daisies have always been my favorites. When we were married, in June of 1972, they were my bridal bouquet, as well as what my bridesmaids carried. Tulips are beautiful, as well. I can't think of many flowers I don't love..... and at this time of year, in a Wisconsin winter, any of them look beautiful!! 11 days til the first day of Spring! yay!!

    1. Daises at a wedding would be lovely and so simple. I'll bet it was beautiful :)

      I hope Spring comes to you soon, Chris!


  8. Those are beautiful tulips! I am with you. Daisies have always been my favorite since childhood.

  9. Lol! Yes...daisies are friendly...very friendly! And I was thinking the same thing...why on earth is she going on about daisies while showing us pics of tulips? Enjoy your evening! ;)

    1. LOL! I knew a few of you would wonder that ;)

      I hope you're having a good evening too, my friend.


  10. You said:
    I bet I know what you're thinking.
    "Why is she blathering on about daises and posting pictures of tulips?" 

    Do you know I was ... and I even got closer to the computer screen and was thinking - but these are beautiful tulips!

    They are beautiful tulips ...

    Great post

    All the best Jan

  11. I like daisies, too...but I love tulips in the spring. I just think they are happy harbingers of spring--kind of like robins!
    Hope you have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  12. You've Got Mail - one of my favorite movies! I don't know how many times I've watched it.
    Love your tulips!

  13. The tulips are lovely for spring...and I love daisies, too!

  14. Those Tulips are gorgeous. I can't wait until I have some growing in my yard so I can fill a vase with them. :) BTW, You've Got Mail is one of my favorite movies too. :)

  15. We are old souls, Rue. I planted daises at our lakehouse. They have taken over. Wish I could send you a bundle!

    Jane x

  16. Yes, I do think daisies and tulips are friendly flowers and they certainly do spell spring!! Those a my favorite spring time flowers! Happy Day!

  17. They are very pretty. I think roses are highly over-rated. Right now Trader Joe's has bunches of daffodils for cheap. Those are pretty friendly, too...

  18. Beautiful! Reminds me, a couple weeks ago I wasn't feeling well and a friend emailed to see if she could stop by the next morning for a few minutes. Well, she didn't just stop by, she brought me flowers - tulips and hydrangeas. I was wowed! Daisies are lovely and what I would call 'friendly.' Another flower that I would call 'friendly' is the daffodil.

  19. Whenever I go to write what my favorite flower is I realize there's not just one? I've purchased seem daffodil's for trader joes and and have tulips popping up in the garden...but we're to get a lot of snow so wonder if they'll do OK. I'm glad I clicked over I've checked a few time and my cache must not of been cleared out since I didn't seen a post since Oct...ut I hit refresh and seen several new post. Welcome back!

  20. Hi,
    You've Got Mail is my very favorite movie of all times!!!
    Daises are my second favorite flower. Daffodils are my first.
    Love, Carla

  21. Love that movie and that line. I quote it often...and I do believe that they are the friendliest. I have a bush of them outside my house welcoming guests. However, tulips are my true favorite. Big surprise, huh! ;)

  22. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. Forget me nots and violets remind me of my Grandma. I love the movie and Kathleens apt too.
    Enjoy your cool days Rue, hitting a 90 here, Kathleen in Az

    1. I love hydrangeas, Forget me Nots and Violets too :)

      Yeah... my mom said that it's already miserable down there, but it's supposed to cool down a bit next week. Here's hoping!


  23. I thought I was the only crazy one that missed dialogue in the movie because I was too busy looking at her layered reversible quilts and what was in her tiny kitchen. Such a sweet apartment. I think we all want to live there!!!!

  24. I think they ARE friendly AND pretty. I've never met a flower I didn't like. :)
    Thanks for coming by for a visit....and for the prayers. xo

  25. They're so pretty in the milk glass vase. Love the ones under it too, milk glass always reminds me of Gladys Taber's collection and her love of it.

    When we bought our farmhouse back in 1990 the kitchen walls were covered in daisy wallpaper!

  26. I planted perennial daises in my front yard last summer, and I am hoping they will spring up again in spring. I can not grow tulips as the deer will eat them, but I love buying them to put in a vase like you have, Rue! They are certainly cheerful flowers to enjoy and theones you found are gorgeous!

  27. I love that movie. I love tulips too.

  28. i do remember that part, they are really friendly little flowers and cute too. I'm loving spring in my neck of the woods.

  29. Just catching up on your blogs, Rue. OMG! "You've Got Mail" is my very favorite movie. I have seen it so many times and have the DVD. I watch it whenever I need cheering up. Can quote just about all of the movie. Yes, one of my favorite lines is when Kathleen Kelly is sick and she gets those daises and talks about how happy they are. I still cry every single time at the ending scene in the park when she says "I wanted it to be you".


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