
Friday, April 8, 2016


When I selected the word 'restore' for the New Year, I had no idea the changes it would bring.

I had to make some very hard decisions about my life recently and it's excluded someone I care about, but can no longer have in my life.

Then there is the election.

The terrorism.

The anger.

I'm trying hard to sort it all out at the moment, but it's been a struggle.

I just never would have guessed I would be where I am at this stage in my life.

But things happen, 

life goes on,


so must we all.

I just need to take a deep breath.

So, I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I promise that I'll be back.

I hope you understand.



  1. We have ALL been there in varying degrees. I wish you joy, laughter and peace.....worry and stress takes away our quality of life - and that simple won't do. When it gets to be to much find solace in a quiet simple moment : lavender bath soak, candles, cuppa tea, glass of wine, prayer, and old black and white show on tv..........whatever it is that gives you solace and comfort.

    And if you EVER want a friendly voice on the end of the line simply send me an email asking for my phone, I never sleep so you can call me almost any time day or night and I will probably be available or soon will be so.

    Sending you a sisterly love-hug. Fear not. Non of these earthly things matter much in the real scheme of things. Let It Be. ♥♥♥

  2. I'm so sorry, Rue. Sending you wishes of healing and a prayer. xoxo Su

  3. Take a break and give yourself some time if you indeed feel it is what you need! We all understand decisions are never easy and weary on daily life. Hug the pups for they give the best comfort and they sense when you are down. Sending prayers you will find peace and comfort! I so enjoy your blog and do love you home and any post you write showing Rue's Estate :)
    Your friend in blog land and NYC if ever visiting let's do lunch, my treat! ;) Robin

  4. Dearest Rue ~ You are loved and cared for by many. Just take each day as it comes and be well in body, spirit and mind. We'll be here when you come back and are cheering you on while you are away.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  5. I'm with you Rue. The political and emotional climate of this country is stifling right now. There's so much anger, hate, and vitriol abound these days, it's so hard to put on a smile and tune it out. It hurts my heart, so I can only imagine how you are feeling. Take as much time as you need, I will miss you :)

  6. I find journaling helps in times like this. Also, reach out to a trusted friend if you can.

  7. I know the pain of letting go of someone you care about but can't have in your life any longer. Combined with all the other things life throws at us, it can be overwhelming and distressing. Take the time you need to heal yourself...come around when you can and know that I'm praying for you Rue.

    Jan ♥

  8. You've been missed Rue. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling a little down. Life is like that sometimes. Ebbs and flows. Always remember there are many that care and are thinking of you. We are just a call (or email) away.


  9. I'm so sorry, sweet friend - sending you hugs and positive energy all the way from NY - xoxo

  10. Rue, you obviously have some amazing women who have already commented so kindly. Take care of your heart and keep 'you' well my friend. We'll still be here for you when you're ready.

  11. It can be heartbreaking too. Cuddle amongst your pups and someone who's there for you. Kathleen in Az

  12. Oh, I completely get it. I've been feeling the same way. I sat down and wrote out a "Plan for Living" - I know that sounds silly. But it details things I want to do for myself every day so that I can feel IN CHARGE in a time that is so uncertain. I've been leaving the TV off and reading no news. I know it sounds like sticking your head in the sand, but I can only take so much before the world intrudes into my life and sucks some of it away. Anyhoo...I know I'm rambling. Just know, I get it. I really do.

  13. I found your blog recently and love your home. Just deal with what you can control, since global events are beyond our control. Take care of you and your loved ones...that is important.

    BTW, I will be in Prescott first weekend in June....any chance of getting a home tour of your lovely cottage?

    Take care and many blessings.

  14. It can be so easy to get caught up in the fear of not knowing both globally and personally. I will pray for peace in your heart and urge to remember that you have gotten through hard times before and you will again. hugs, Patty

  15. Rue, it's hard to make those decisions but we must do what is right for us. It's been a year of loss for me and I'm struggling to overcome it all. Hanging in there with you, knowing we can do this.

  16. Some decisions are hard to make, but once they have been made, we are so much happier. Wishing you much happiness for the tough decision you have just made.
    Enjoy the nice spring weather!

  17. Hi Rue! I've been thinking about you. Sweetie, I know it's hard to let go of someone you love. I think we've all had to do this at one time or another. Just know you're loved by so many. I want the best for you and will keep you in my prayers. I do agree, this election thing is just crazy! God help us.
    Shelia :)

  18. I am so sorry, Rue. But you definitely have to take care of yourself first and foremost. I had a feeling something was "up" since we hadn't heard from you in a long time. Thinking of you and sending you prayers and blessings. {{hugs}}

  19. Sometimes we all need to take a break from some things to deal with others. We'll be waiting for when you come back. I always enjoy the glimpses into your cottage.

  20. So sorry for what you are going through. Hope things turn your way soon.

  21. Rue, I've been going through some changes in my life too, so I do understand. There will always be hate and anger and confusion and chaos in the world, but please remember that the one thing that drives all that out is love. Keep loving, Rue, and you will be ok. I have missed you, and I'm sending you a big hug of comfort.


  22. It sounds as if you're already at peace with your decision and I hope the days to come bring good things your way, Rue. Stepping back from your blog will give you time to sort things out and we'll be here when you're ready to join us again.

  23. Life really can be overwhelming at times. Hang in there and know that your decisions will be right in the end. There's always something good around the corner.

  24. I sincerely hope peace finds its' way to you quickly! You are missed! ;)

  25. oh darling rue!
    just look at all the love here coming your way. enveloping you.
    love is stronger than ANYTHING.
    never fear. it is your strength always.
    that picture of pure love looking out your window into the world says it all.
    bless you rue. XOXOXO♥

  26. Dear Rue,
    I hope you get things settled and know that we are with you. Take the time you need to restore yourself. Sending hugs and thoughts to you!

  27. Rue, For both situations...just remember, just because people are playing in the mud, it doesn't mean we have to join them. I have no idea of what that means, but it just passed through my mind.-Your pal from Illinois.

  28. Rue, I've never commented before. Just let me say, I love your site and have missed your posts. Take a deep breath. Enjoy your lovely home and all that surrounds you. Sometimes life is rough. Hope things are better soon.

  29. Rue, I've never commented before. Just let me say, I love your site and have missed your posts. Take a deep breath. Enjoy your lovely home and all that surrounds you. Sometimes life is rough. Hope things are better soon.

  30. Awww Rue... so sorry you are going through a rough patch. As I tell my girls... every cloud has a silver lining. You can now roll your eyes like my girls do. Hope things get better soon.

  31. Hi Rue, sending you heartfelt thoughts, all I can say is been there done that got the t-shirt, enuf said............:) like everyone else's stories, mine is private and way to long to explain, don't wanna go there, rehash... nope! It took me years to figure out stuff, I just don't get it sometimes and I guess I don't think like others, so oh, hang in, easy to say hard to do.........sending nothing but good thoughts your way and to latest positive affirmation is from Louise Hay, "only good lies before me." love, the ol (and should be smarter) kat :)

  32. We all have a very short time on this beautiful earth that God gave us! We all have struggles and craziness! The world is full of HATE and unrest! We need to unite in TRUE PEACE !! place your trust in God first ! And Mr. Donald Trump! Our country desperately needs change for the good for all!!

  33. I hope whatever you are going through gets better Rue- we all have times where we need a break and your true readers who care about you will understand!

  34. Rue you're in my thoughts and I'm sending you hope to finding inner peace.

  35. Blessings to you Rue. Your blog is lovely, quiet inspiration to me in living a more peaceful, old-fashioned life. Just wanted you to know that. xo Deborah

  36. Hi Rue,
    Back in 2012 I had to make some major decisions about friends...I ended up letting a group go because of the way they were not really friends to me. I wrote a blog post about it recently. It was about how I gave and gave for years and years...9 to be exact. I felt drained from the friendships, it was just awful. Back in 2012 we had to make a decision about our boys education and switching schools. My so called friends, where awful to me, they did not understand, did not even try to understand the reason for our decision.
    So I let was one of the hardest things I ever did, because I was in this circle.
    It is now 2016 - my boys are loving the school they are in. I have made new friends and I have become stronger....slowly.
    Sending a HUG! I know it can hurt.

  37. Dear Rue, Sending love and compassion your way. I understand how you're feeling, and taking a break to just breathe and regroup is sometimes necessary. Do take care of yourself. I'll be here when you get back, as I'm sure many others will. I'm praying for God's peace to fill your heart. Hugs, Nancy

  38. Sometimes letting go is the best thing we can do for ourselves even tho it does hurt. And do not take the weight of the world upon your shoulders. All it will do is weigh you down and prevent moving on.

  39. This world is a big stupid mean place, and I just don't click on any of the news that mentions politics, terrorism or bad things that happen to children anymore. So many people pass that stuff around on Facebook and I just refuse to read most of it since it can really bring a person down emotionally. As for people in my life that bring me sadness or unhappiness.. I simply don't have much to do with them. Walk away from all that brings you unhappiness and you will be so much more content in life. xo

  40. I am so sorry to read about the difficulties you're facing right now. I send wishes for peace and tranquility and a return for you to/of the things that bring you pleasure.

  41. One day at a time my friend....and Breathe ....hugs and hang in there pat h

  42. So sorry for all the struggles you've been facing! We are definitely living in a time of unrest and uncertainty that is very disheartening! Praying that you will find peace in your personal life as you regroup and proceed! Take care, my friend! You are missed! ~Rhonda

  43. Dear Rue, letting go of someone you care about but cannot have in your life is difficult at the best of times, but especially so when you're in the midst of the current circumstances that are stressing you. Wishing you peace and serenity.

  44. (((((HUGS))))) my friend. I am sorry that you had to make the choice to let someone you care about go. I know it is not an easy thing to do but sometimes it is the best thing we can do for ourselves. With all the other 'yuck" going on around us I have kind of retreated from the world in many ways. I need peace and calm in my life, as I'm sure you do too. I hope you take the time you need to just take care of you and heal. Praying for you.

  45. It does seem as if the world is becoming harsher and more challenging by the day. It is exhausting at times. For me blogging is a safe haven, a place of creativity and friendship, but I find that it only works when I'm open to embrace it. Come back when you're ready, dear Rue, we'll be lucky to have you.
    A big hug and a strong kiss.

  46. So sorry to read about the troubled times you are going through.
    Take things one step at a time and come back when you feel ready.

    Thinking about you and sending warmest thoughts your way

    All the best Jan

  47. Sending warm thoughts and prayers for better times coming in your life. I love reading your blog so much. I'm usually a news junkie, but have had to be very selective lately... Like minds can be comforting when there's so much discord and anger. Take care of you, Rue. Peace and blessings on you and your home. LuAnn from SoCal

  48. Look up.... light always comes from 'above'


  49. Wishing you peace Rue....take good care.

  50. You have been missed but we all need time away now and then. Hope you find the peace you need.

    Hugs, Vicky

  51. You will always have us, Rue. We love you and we will be praying for you. Blessings, hugs and prayers, Kathi

  52. You will be in my prayers Rue! Life is hard at times, and difficult to understand, but trust is the thing that always keeps me going even when I don't understand. Praying that the Lord indeed does restore and bless your life in a very special way!

  53. Rue, I'm holding you close in prayer for peace and calmness in your life. I hope things do restore to a more calming state for you.

  54. Rue, may peace and God's love and blessings be with you.

  55. I am sorry you heart is troubled right can be hard at times and not the direction we want to go. Praying you find solace and settles everything out. We'll be here waiting till then!

  56. HI Rue...hope whatever it is it can be worked out and sorted out and life back to normal and good for you very very soon! Take your time and know that we are here for you and waiting for you soon as you feel back up to blogging! Hope you have peace and that your life will be calm and safe and happy.

  57. Rue, I am sorry that things have been difficult. I too have been under stress for the past several years and just recently one by one, things have been lifted. I am so thankful to God for hearing my cries and restoring so many things for me. I pray that God will give you peace and joy in your life. Sending hugs.

  58. Rue,

    I have been out of the loop lately with my own set of thoughts. I'm hoping and praying that you are finding your way to where you want to be. Hugs, thoughts, and prayers sent your way, my friend. :-)

  59. Sending Love and Blessings your way. Be well and hope to hear from you soon.

  60. Restore, rejuvenation, re-do, regeneration - all is necessary at times in our lives and when we look back it was the path we were suppose to take - hope all your plans and dreams are "realized" during this time.

  61. You are in prayers and hopes for good things in your life. Hang in there.

  62. I'm so sorry. Sending you love and hugs.

  63. Just take your time. As they say one day at a time. Sending you a great big hug.

  64. You have been on my mind, Rue. ((Hugs)).

  65. Rue, I was thinking about you last night and just had to pop in to say you're in my prayers that God will get you through this hard time and give you wisdom and guidance for your next step!
    Love you,
    Shelia :)

  66. Just to say ...
    Sending special Sunday thoughts your way.

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  67. Take all the time you need, sometimes I just want to be left alone.

  68. Rue, I want to remind you that you come from good stock. You have amazing integrity, and you have great faith. I know this from reading your blog. Take some time. You are not alone. God will be with you. Your friends are standing with you. The safest place is hiding in God's hand. He will help you through this. The fact that you returned that family Bible shows that you go the extra mile to bring joy to others. God sees this. You are precious to Him. "All things work together for good to those who love God." Romans 8. You are loved. Kathi

  69. Sending healing prayers and many Blessings. We will wait for you until you are ready. Sending Love too.

  70. i completely understand ..
    prayer lifted high for you, dear rue.

  71. Thinking of you, beautiful Rue

  72. Rue, sorry to see you're not back yet. Take the time you need to restore. I wanted to share something that might help a little: I just discovered the restorative powers of an epsom salt bath (2 1/2 cups, 20 minutes). Been meaning to try it for decades and only just got round to trying my first one. I did it in the morning, but am going to try bedtime for the next one. It was quite amazing. Let me know if you try it.

  73. Hello! Just checking in on you... your in my prayers. ((hugs))

  74. There are so few blogs I miss terribly when they go silent for a bit - yours is one of them. I hope all is well with you. xoxox

  75. Sweet friend, I am so very sorry. I too am lifting you up in prayer. This must be such a difficult time for you, keep close to God and seek refuge. Most of all, take good care of yourself. xo Lidy

  76. Miss you! Please come back soon. Hugs. ♥

    1. Thinking of you today.

      Take care
      Jeannette (( ))

  77. (((Rue)))
    You know I understand and I love you dearly. We will be here when you are ready to come back. You are so loved, our angel friend. To everything there is a season - and all will be okay.


  78. Rue, I'm so sorry that you are going through a rough patch. I hope you can come back soon. I miss reading your posts!

    Take care,


  79. Oh no or oh good or I don't know what to say so should just shut up. I hope that things are going better, that you have found your footing, that you know what to do next beyond breathe. Hope to find you here one day soon.

  80. darling bean.
    take care of you.
    we await your return. ♥

    1. (Sorry...I can't see where to start a new comment)...Rue....never lose HOPE. You don't know how beautiful and wonderful your future will be with joys (and yes there are sorrows in life). And never fear for our future...God is always in charge and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and God wants everyone to be saved. The battle is already won. We just have to realize heaven lasts forever and ever. Andrea

  81. Thinking of you Rue! Treat yourself good.

  82. Just stopping by to say hello and hope you are doing alright. Thinking of you and hoping life treats you kindly.
    Sending you hugs.

    1. I can't see the comment box, so I am using your instructions to use someone else's reply space. I have been thinking about you & hope that things are getting better for you. Take care of yourself and know that we are all here for you. I do miss your posts, they are so real and down to earth. That is the best... God Bless!

  83. Rue, I just found you again, then I read this post, and I became sad. I hope things are improving for you. I've had a rough year too, so even though I don't know the particulars, I can kind of 'get it.' I hope you are back to feeling better about your life and the world...sooner rather than later. xo

  84. Like many others ...
    I'm just stopping by to say hello and send warm wishes.

    All the best Jan

  85. Rue, I've been thinking about you and do hope you are doing well. I've missed your posts but I completely understand.

    Grace & Peace

  86. I hope you are feeling better. You are missed.

  87. Just popping in to say "Hi!"... and that you are missed! Take care of yourself! ~Rhonda

  88. Hello Rue, just thinking about you today, and hope you're ok.

    love, ~me

  89. Just thinking about you and wishing you those things that make your heart happy.

  90. I thought I'd check in with you again...missing you and hope you're OK. xoxo

  91. Hi Rue ... do please take your time, but you are in my thoughts.

    God bless

    All the best Jan

  92. Thinking of you and missing your posts, Rue.
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  93. Hi Rue

    I have been thinking about you, and I'm wishing you well! {{{hugs}}}

  94. We have to make tough decisions sometimes and hope for the best and I am hoping for the best for you, Rue....Christine

  95. You are missed! Please take extra care of yourself.

  96. Rue, I thought of you today. I hope you are well, my friend, and taking good care of yourself.

  97. Hi darling! You were on my mind just now and I wanted to pop in to check on you. I am praying for you and for lots of happiness.
    Shelia ;)

  98. Thinking of you sweet Rue! Hoping all is well in your world today and that you are enjoying your summer and your beautiful storybook cottage too. God Bless You!
    Big Hugs

  99. I'm afraid I was out of order or lol lost a not quite sure where I ended up leaving my redundant or not here goes: I was browsing some of my own blog post from months ago and ran across a comment from you, a reply from me and ended up back here with YOU... about the Brussels happened two days after I/and my group left Amsterdam and thru Brussels via rail- a member of the group read aloud to us the breaking news of the Brussels bombing as we gathered on the steps of a cathedral in PARIS. no problems for us, no threat or feeling of danger until we were leaving the airport to return home (from PARIS) SECURITY was thankfully and understandably super tight.( small world...or something strange like that lol)

  100. Thinking of you, Rue, and hoping you are doing okay! xoxo

  101. Missing you dearest Rue.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  102. Thanking of you hope every day is a little better

    1. I'm tagging on here...I wasn't able to leave my own comment...
      Hi Rue,
      I have been MIA for awhile...but I am checking in on everyone this week and I have to tell you that your post really touched is hard and the 'whys' is something I have struggled with my whole life...I just don't understand why things have to be the way they are...but over the years I have learnt to let go of some of the crazy things in this world that I just can't change!
      I am thinking about you and sending you happy thoughts!
      Hugs, Kimberley

  103. I miss you...Rue......come back soon....

  104. Like so many that have left comments, I sure miss you Rue. Hope you are doing ok.
    Take care
    Jeannette (( ))

  105. I am sorry that your heart has been broken and I know the feelings of disappointment that life can sometimes bring upon us. You're strong, Rue.... and you said you would be back... so please get your butt back here. Pretty please with sugar on top.

  106. PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Miss you, Rue. ♥♥♥

  107. I keep checking back to see if you are back. I hope everything is okay.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Dear Rue,
    I pray these summer days have brought you sunny days! I just want you to know I am also thinking of you and pray for peace and comfort to restore your soul. You are loved by many and patiently we await a post or two. Love, Robin in NYC :)

  110. Well, dern! I thought my comment went through a couple of weeks ago (did it on my phone) and nothing here! Phooey! I shouldn't comment through my phone.

    Missing you, dear Rue! Please come back! You ARE still alive, I hope! Come back so we can all stop worrying about you, dear lady. Please??

  111. Oh my goodness! I don't know how I will ever thank you all for your kind words... so many of you sweet friends... I'm deeply touched and alive. Thank you all!

    Love, me.

  112. Good Afternoon Rue, I was just thinking about you, so I thought I would pop over and visit you.
    How are you doing?
    I do hope you are picking up.
    Take good care of yourself.
    Best Wishes


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. It means so much to me that you took the time and I read each and every one. If you don't have a blog, look for a response under your comment. I try to get to them within a few days :)

For some reason, the comment box doesn't always show up, so if you want to leave a comment, replying to someone else's comment seems to work. Also, I've had to switch from safari to chrome in order to comment on blogger, so that might be the issue. If not, you can always reach me via email, located on my side bar. Thank you!