
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Early Spring?

On February 1st, I went to flip the calendar with fresh snow falling outside.

The forecast, the night before, had called for 1-3 inches.

By noon we had about 5 or 6 inches.

After living here for almost 5 years now, I know that if the forecasters call for "snowmagedon", then we'll get 2 inches.

If they call for 2 inches, we'll get a big snow storm.

Such is life up here in the mountains.

Since I'm always ready for the opposite of what they call for, I was well prepared. 

Actually I'm always ready, because I lived in Ohio for 6 years and being prepared is a hard habit to break ;)

So, I just boiled some water in my teapot...

made a cup of tea...

and hunkered down with Mini and Bubba.

They look like they're freezing, don't they?

It's 69 degrees in my home :)

Sure enough the sun came out the next day...

and if Punxsutawney Phil lived here in Arizona, instead of Pennsylvania, he would have seen his shadow on Groundhog day.

I'm pretty much thinking that even though Phil might be getting an early Spring, we'll be getting six more weeks of winter.

Bubba isn't happy with that thought, but at least he's ready ;)

Stay warm, my friends!



  1. Your home just makes me want to stop over, ring the bell, and come in and settle down for a nice chat with a dear friend. It's like a warm hug. Enjoy your sunny sweet home, my dear friend!

  2. Love the light streaming through your window!

  3. Hope you stay warm and don't get too much more winter! xx

  4. Sun? What's that?! If you still have some, please send it my way. It's been gloomy and gray every day for days on end now. I feel so blah and cranky. :-(

  5. Heck! I can go for 6 more weeks of winter! Suppose to be hitting 80 all next week. Love the sun streaming through and the pups cuddling in their blankets.
    Kathleen in Az

    1. I could too, but it's been in the high 60s for over a week. Strange weather for our state this time of year! The frost will be back soon, I'm sure, so I'll enjoy this spring-like break for now :)


  6. The snow is so beautiful! And, your home looks so cozy! Love the picture of the sunlight streaming in the window! Have a lovely evening and stay warm!

    Hugs, Vicky

  7. My mother's Shih Tzu shares Bubba's attitude about groundhogs and snow. LOL But your photos are breathtaking. Your mountain home is blessed with a rare kind of magic, a home that embraces all kinds of weather and wears it with elegance and beauty. Love your bird calendar.

  8. You must have taken our Ohio snow with you when you moved! I live along Lake Erie and we were in the upper 60's today! Nothing like any February I can remember. There is nothing as cherry as sunshine coming in the windows - you have created a lovely home.

  9. I am hoping for an early spring and even though it was sunny our groundhog did not see his shadow...yay! Of course, I am not sure I believe what he has to say, but he seems just about as reliable as the weather forecasters. ;) Pretty sunlight picture.

  10. Hi Rue, Love the photos from your home and your darling two fur babies are adorable. The snow is so pretty. I understand being prepared growing up in Michigan. All you can do is cuddle up and enjoy the inside time after making sure your stocked with essentials for a long stay if necessary.
    Love your sunny photo!! Your dining room is so pretty and I love your hutch.
    We had warm sunny days over the weekend and even enjoyed working in the garden. But, Feb. brought in some cold days this week so far and I'm not sure we are through with winter yet. My hubby thinks we are in for an early spring. Hope so!!
    Enjoy the rest of the week. xoxo

  11. And today was so warm I wore no coat being outside a great deal - and even had to shed my little vest, as I got warm! This is beyond weird weather to be sure.

    Your 4 legged friends looks TOO cute all wrapped up, haha, the lazy loungers! LOL.

    Wondering what kind of tea you enjoyed this time in your cup? What's your very favorite?

    Hugs. ♥

  12. Rue, you take the nicest pictures! I love getting these sweet glimpses of your lovely home. And I have that exact same cup...with my initial, of course. Keep posting!

  13. I wouldn't mind the snow one bit, if it meant I could snuggle up with your fur babies.

    I'm warm, albeit a little wet ; )


  14. Your home is so inviting. I'd love to be cuddled up right between Bubba and Mini sipping on some tea and reading a good book...sheer bliss!

  15. Such a lovely home. Bubba looks comfy. I still love those plates!

  16. oh rue.
    that picture of the two of them on the sofa all bundled up so cozy.
    and mini looks like she's actually smiling!
    and the picture with the sun streaming in....
    altogether lovely. a perfect place to be snowed in!

  17. If it does come a blizzard, you have those two cute warm bodies to cuddle up to.

  18. I love to see your precious babies!

  19. I never tire of seeing the snow pictures around your neck of the woods, Rue. I think it's so beautiful. I like your black tea pot and initial tea cup. 69 degrees in your home is pretty cold, do you use your heater? I usually set the heater to about 74 degrees during the cold winter months. Oh Rue, I love that third picture of the snow - I can just go out there and play in it for awhile. :)

    Stay warm and cozy in your home.


    1. Oh, and that picture of the sun shining through your window in the living room is soooo pretty. :)

  20. You do have a darling house, Ruzzer.....stay warm

  21. I think your forecasters must be related to the ones around here; same situation. I'll never forget a few years back...I think it was 2010, when the forecast was for six and we got 18. Ugh.

  22. Only 6 more weeks of winter would be wonderful! Your home looks lovely with the sunshine warming the rooms. I wish I could snuggle up on my sofa with a big blanket in front of the fireplace today, but it's off to work.

    As much as we all like to complain about the snow, I'd sure miss that gorgeous white stuff if we didn't get any!

  23. I feel as though we didn't even get winter here, and already it's February and where is our cold??? Oh well...Your home sure looks cozy. I would have settled in with a hot cuppa, too. Looks so peaceful there.

  24. Perfect thing to do on a snowy day. I never trust the weatherman. Pretty, pretty snow, but you are lucky the sun came out so soon. Minnie and Bubba look adorable all nestled in the blankets. Stay warm!

  25. You have a lovely home and two wonderful companions to share it with! Coming from New England, when I think of Arizona, I don't see home decor like yours....I picture southwestern. Yours is so inviting! I'm sure your spring is right around the corner and Bubba will have a clean, fresh earth to delight his nose.

  26. We too got a bunch of new snow here in Utah. My goodness, it seems that this winter has been extra long and extra wet and cold. I am ready for spring, so sign me up!!
    We also live in a mountain valley, so we always get more snow than the low valleys.

    Hope you stay warm, enjoy the sunshine when it's out and dream of spring :)


  27. We received another dusting of snow overnight. I like it because if it's going to be cold, it is easier to take when everything is covered in a pretty white blanket. :) Your home is so pretty. I know I say that a lot, but it's true. I love the shot of your living room with the sun rays. Tea is always a good idea. :) Hugs, Nancy

  28. Lovely photos. I love your oven.
    We received 8 inches of nice fresh snow on Tuesday. :-)
    Have a great weekend,

  29. I just love your beautiful, warm and inviting! The babies look like they are so spoiled!! :-) I'm hoping we get some more snow before winter leaves us. The hubster and I were laughing Tuesday....why would anyone ever base the weather on a big rat they have to dig out of the ground every year??!! :-) Love and hugs sweet friend!

  30. Love your snow pictures. I love looking at pics and always wish we had some around Christmas but other than that, I'm all about looking at other peoples pictures!

  31. The snow is pretty, but come on spring! I love how chilly the pups look even though the heat is on!

  32. Oh, those omfy looking little guys!
    Snow here as well, then a sunny,bright day, and now gales and rain and small craft warnings galore!
    The photo of the kettle on the stove is sweet.
    Hope you stay cozy, warm and happy :)

  33. Don't you just love hunkering down when it's snowing outside? :) We enjoyed a lovely snow storm on Monday and Tuesday. Right now it's softly snowing, but I didn't think we were supposed to get any more snow this week. Although our weather is just like yours...if it's calling for 8-inches we get 1-inch and when it's calling for only a couple of inches we get a foot :)

    Your home is so beautiful, my friend. Stay warm and enjoy whatever the weather brings you. Hugs!

  34. Mini and Bubba look very cozy! Looks like everyone else in the country is getting major winter weather except us here in so. Cal. So far the severe El Nino deluge that they keep threatening us with has yet to show up. Stay warm and have a great weekend!

  35. Hey Rue I think your weather forecasters forecast like ours in Philadelphia, lol. We are getting more snow in the morning after a week of warmer temps and melting piles of snow, yikes a new storm. Love all your photos and the one of your living room with the sunlight streaming in is beautiful and inviting. Bubba and Mini look warm all snuggled up, too cute.

  36. Good Evening Rue, You must have a little English blood in you, as that is what we do.... any problem... have a cup of tea.
    If you had not mentioned the temperature in your home I would have thought Bubba and Mini were so cold that you had to wrap them in blankets... I can see now they just like to feel warm and cosy.
    I love the photograph where you caught the stream of sushine flooding your beautiful.
    Stay warm and cosy.
    Best wishes

  37. The snow pictures are beautiful! Wow! I didn't take any pictures of our snow this year and now I'm feeling a bit sheepish. I really wish I had! It sounds like we might get 1 or 2 more storms this year, so I'm going to have to move my lazy butt at that point :-) The pups look like they are enjoying the warm house! Thats exactly what mine look like when it snows, LOL.

    Have a great weekend Rue!

  38. We've had little snow this year and I miss its white loveliness. I love winter and don't want it to pass where hot summers make me feel icky and lazy. Your little ones looks so cute.

  39. The snow looks beautiful, Rue. Yes, you are smart to listen to the forecast if you've lived in Ohio! I love seeing pics of your pups, they are precious and I know my floors are like ice in the winter...If I have to wear socks or slippers I can only imagine how cold they are so close to the floor.

    Stay warm and cozy! :)


  40. The snow photos are beautiful! Wish we got snow in San Diego. Lovely blog!

  41. I trust the weather forecasters for the most part.... they are somewhat like Rodney Dangerfield and 'get no respect'. LOL Our 14 inches of snow from the 22nd of January is nearly gone now after some heavy rains earlier this week melted it all away. Love the photo of the sunlight in your home. Living in the mountains, as you do also.... sunlight is always a welcome sight. xox

  42. Rue I loved this post. What a winter fairy wonderland. The image of the sun shining through is gorgeous and those two babies are too cute!

    I would love for you to link up this post on the inaugural edition of Thoughts of Home on Thursday. I think readers would really enjoy it. There is also a giveaway associated with it. Every link is entered into the drawing. Hope to see you there!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  43. The snow in photo's look so pretty ...
    We've had a lot of strong winds blowing today ...
    I'm with you on putting the kettle on and enjoying a cup of tea ...

    Keep Warm

    All the best Jan

  44. I don't even have words to describe how I feel about your house. It truly is what decorating should be all about--love and care and changing a house only in gentle, appropriate ways.

    1. Dewena, you said what I was thinking! So I'll just add, hear! Hear!

  45. i'm loving all the detailed views of your pretty home.
    thanks for sharing a bit of your life with your readers. :)

  46. It looks so cold outside but your home inside sure looks warm, Rue. I love it....Christine

  47. I think spring has already sprung here in Texas! I honestly missed having a winter this year. So glad you are sharing yours with us. And your cozy cottage would be the perfect place to spend a wintery day.

  48. I sure hope you are staying warm there! Lisa lives 40 minutes from me and I can tell you that we have our AC on today.

    Thanks for linking this with Thoughts of Home on Thursday. I'm always happy to see a post from you friend. :)


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