
Sunday, February 7, 2016

The safe chair

The night before last, I caught a glimpse of something looking at me...

It was Yellow Dog, Bubba's new friend. 

The next morning he was still there...

And later that same day Bubba had joined him.

You love Yellow Dog, don't you Bubba?

"Yes and I'm protecting him from my sister, Momma. You know what happened to Rocky Raccoon. It was ugly! But Mini's too big to jump on this chair, so don't you think he'll be safe here?"

Yes, I'm pretty sure he'll stay safe there, my little man.

I guess that was all he need to hear, because this morning, Blue Dog had joined Yellow Dog in the safe chair.



Sharing on Tweak it Tuesday 


  1. I LOVE it! Thanks for the smile. :-)

  2. That is so adorable. We have gone through 'every' color dog-cuz Bowie just chews on them until the squeaker and all the stuffing is out. Love Bubbas little safe nest!

  3. I can't find the words to tell you how much I loved this post. Of course, anything to do with pups and their friends makes me smile. Yellow dog is beyond adorable, and blue dog ain't too shabby either. Well, actually, he is, but that just adds to his charm.

  4. I can't find the words to tell you how much I loved this post. Of course, anything to do with pups and their friends makes me smile. Yellow dog is beyond adorable, and blue dog ain't too shabby either. Well, actually, he is, but that just adds to his charm.

  5. love your photos. always. I have a 4 month old kitten who loves her little stuff squirrel. She carries it around a lot. I've found it halfway in my shoe before. Also below - the dogs sleeping all covered cute. We have a basket sitting on a high table for her to look out at the birds and stray cats. By the basket I keep an office type lamp that you can adjust the stem to bring it right down on your work ...I leave it on for her and she feels the heat from it when lying in her basket. We're cold too this time of year. Looking forward to a warm up.

  6. house honey took my words.

  7. This was so adorable! Just what I needed to read...:)

  8. Rue this just totally touched my heart. The logic of ownership of their personal toys, I so get this. Although I'm now down to one pet since December I can relate to your fur kids needs. Bubba is one smart doggie and Mom gave him reassurance. Soooo sweet.

  9. Beyond precious! Just out-of-the-ballpark charming, Rue.

  10. Love this! My two share toys but occasionally Doogie will take his up to the sofa and put it on his "bed" there!

  11. Too, too, cute! I was so busy looking at the reflections in the windows looking for some kind of creepy apparition, that I totally missed the yellow doggie! You're too funny!

  12. Awww....Bubba's so cute! It will be interesting to see how long he can protect his friends from the jaws of Mini. With a name like Mini, she sounds pretty harmless..(families are so complicated!)

  13. Ohh, I love that chair!! So pretty!

  14. This is just so adorable! The same scenario plays at our house too. :)

  15. The cuteness of it all! Our little dogs have a pink one thats been all over the house and outside. Love this post, Kathleen in Az

    1. I think Bubba might objet to a pink one. He's very manly, after all ;)


  16. So cute and smart! Our little Madeline is a trickster. When Francis is too slow in getting his treat, she grabs his and hides it, and tries to get another. Fortunately, we are on to her. xoxo Su

  17. They do keep us entertained don't they.

  18. All three of them are adorable. Sister must be one big meanie.

  19. A cute story, Rue. Yellow Dog sure is cute. He would make me smile if I saw him every day. He's long like a dachshund. :)


  20. Our Mastiff, Zeke, had a blue one that we named Poodle. We took Zeke with us one Sunday to a pet store, when he was a pup, and he won it for being the best behaved doggie of the day! He was already 100 pounds at one year and had wonderful manners. Zeke left us 2 years ago, over the Rainbow Bridge, but I still have Poodle. Our two other dogs never play with Poodle...even though he sits in a basket with their other plush toys. I think they respect that it was Zeke's toy.

    Thanks for a sweet post. Mini is a sweetheart!

    1. I think they must respect his Poodle too.

      I know you lost your Zeke and I'm so sorry. It's never easy.

      Hugs to you,

  21. You know Bubba and Layla are twins, right? I go gaga over her love of there little toys. Layla started to chew on blankets and throws, not to the point of destroying them but to comfort herself (as far as the Google explanation goes!). Like thumb sucking with babies. So odd at her age. So she's not so wrapped up with her toys.

    Precious pics, Rue. I love glimpses of your pretty and cozy!


  22. That is so cute! We have found that our cat and dog will steal each other's toys too. :)

  23. I loved this happy story! I can just see the little wheels in her mind turning as she plots to save her toys!
    How I wish I still had a pet. I miss having a little friend around so much.

  24. Oh my gosh, this is too cute. Love little Bubba. Mariota has a little Red Dog that matches Yellow and Blue Dog. A beloved toy in my house as well ;-)

  25. such a whimsical post.. love the doggies - all 3: yellow*blue*BUBBA!!

  26. Oh my gosh, how adorable! My dogs shred their own toys so even a safe chair wouldn't be safe. I finally stopped buying stuff is for them!

  27. This actually made me laugh out loud at my desk on a Monday morning - thank you for that, sweet Rue!! What a great post - love it so much! Every evening after I put the pups to bed (they sleep in my daughter's room downstairs, in their little bed with their blankie by the heater) I go around the house and pick up toy after toy after toy and toss them back into their toy basket. Often I find the toys up on the furniture, behind cushions....I'm guessing that's my little Monkey trying to hide toys from the Tub! Aren't they just so cute the way their little minds work?

  28. Super sweet, Rue! When I saw the title "The Safe Chair," I had no idea what to expect!

  29. Oh my gosh, you just totally made my day with this post. Now you need to write it down and send it to a publisher. As a writer and a former kindergarten, grade one and preschool teacher, I can say with authority that Bubba would be a huge hit with the littles and you already have the title for your first in the series. The Safe Chair. Fabulous!

  30. ...and...when you sell the first draft, I want a signed copy and a Yellow Dog. ;)

  31. You had me laughing with this post, Rue...too cute!

  32. Haha. Very cute, Rue. Bubba is one smart cookie!

  33. Ha! I love his little collection, what a great protector!

  34. I love to read about Bubba and Mini. So cute!

  35. Hi Rue, I love the adventures of Bubba. He is so smart!! His collection is sweet and I am sure he is proud of his babies!! Have a nice evening. Hugs!

  36. Sweet post! So glad that little Bubba found a safe spot for his beloved toys! That was pretty smart thinking on his part! :) Hope you've been doing well! ~Rhonda

  37. LOL - Oh my, I just loved this. I must say Bubba looks to be smiling the biggest smile.

  38. Bubba is such a sweet little pup I know he brings you joy, comfort and many smiles!

  39. What a cutie! And what a tease! I think I'd keep my stash in that beautiful chair too.;-)

  40. This post could be a chapter in a book written from the standpoint of the dogs. It is delightful. The photograph with the blue dog added absolutely cracked me up.

  41. That goes on here too!! Lol funny how dogs think! And they are so smart!!!

  42. Oh how precious! Animals bring so much joy and personality into our homes, don't they! I loved the fun post of how little Bubba was sharing his chair with his "friends" ... so cute! :)

    1. I hit reply because the comment box doesn't show up.
      I want to say I just loved this post, made me laugh.
      Happy Saturday ahead

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