
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Nothing much

Just some glowing tulips lit up by the morning sun.

Mini sleeping the day away.

And Bubba keeping watch as always.

So, nothing much going on except the daily activities of our life here.

It is nice though, isn't it?

The regularity, I mean.

Personally, I enjoy the mundane activities of daily life.

I know that when the alarm goes off, the pups will be joining me downstairs in the bedroom.

Mini walks back and forth around the bed begging for me to feed her.

Bubba jumps under the covers to cuddle up for some warmth and closeness.

We go upstairs.

I plug in the old percolator.

They get fed.

I pour the coffee into my little pink and brown polkadot mug.

Take my first sip.

Watch the sunrise.

Then the birds coming to eat from the feeder.

Call my mom.

Get ready for the day.

So on and so forth.

And I'm happy.

No matter what happens for the rest of the day, I have that.

I look forward to it every morning.

A fresh beautiful start.

Every day.

I'm thankful.

And it's wonderful.

I hope you have wonderfulness in your life too.




  1. Ah - you lost me at "call my mom...." how I wish I could call mine - the day would be the greatest day ever if I could do that!

    Hey, if you email me your address I have something I'd like to send to you. ♥

    Hugs. Enjoy your wonderful days of regularity, they are what make up our lives, to be sure. May yours stay unrushed and unstressed and just plain awesome! : - )

  2. That's a beautiful picture of those tulips. Absolutely gorgeous! I like the mundane of everyday life as well.

  3. I love the way the light comes through your windows. I prefer routines. xoxo Su

  4. When it is cold I have to make myself do things or I will just sit and hybernate. I have been busy sewing alot lately, but this Sunday I am taking a day to just relax with Hubby and watch some movies.

  5. Oh Rue, as usual you describe things in such a lovely way and it made me giggle. Why? Because my fur babies and I have our own routine also. First the crazy cat Rufus goes whizzing past my head multiple times to get up on the headboard, for which he gets into trouble and skirted with the skirt bottle multiple times (and it does not seem to faze him at all) and then he goes zooming down the hallway and crashes into the wall. This goes on for awhile and he gets the big shedding monster dog, Caesar, all wound up. So after about 20 minutes of this, I take mercy upon my hubby who has just come home from a long graveyard shift and needs to get some sleep and I get up with the rebel rousers. I let the dog out into the backyard and close the porch door so I can let the cat out onto the back screened in porch which he is desperate to get out on. Lest you think I don't feed the beasts, rest assured that my hubby did feed them when he got home earlier in the morning. Then, being the good pet mommy that I am, I lay down on the couch and go to sleep until Rufzilla (a nickname we gave the cat since he likes to destroy everything in his path)scratches and meows pitifully at the glass door. ;) It has been unseasonably warm here so no fur babies freeze anything off while outside. ;)

    1. That should say squirted, not skirted...see what insomnia and menopause does to this brain of mine. ;)

    2. Rue, I really like how you describe everything so simply. The older I get the more I appreciate the simple things like watching the sunrise, the birds always so busy, my home in the woods and just God's creation. Life is good even with the lemons. Phyllis

    3. Thank you, Phyllis and yes, life is good, even with lemons ;)


  6. I asked for tulips for Valentine's Day because I just love the simplicity of them. You hit it on nail about enjoying a routine day. I love my routine days - currently painting a bathroom (no fun) but it has to get done. The sooner I get it done the better I can go back to my simple routine. Love this post.

  7. This was a lovely, happy and inspiring post. To look forward to the regular parts of our lives that make us feel alive and happy.

    Have a nice Valentine's weekend ~ FlowerLady

  8. your two companions must keep you on schedule each morning. Sunshine coming through the windows makes me want to get up and get out.

  9. I love this, Rue. It reads like the beginning of an Elizabeth Berg novel. Happy Friday!

  10. What a great vignette of what life is made of.....the little things.....snippets of what seem to be the ordinary but are really extraordinary. Thanks so much for sharing that part of your life with us!

  11. I love how the light streams through the windows this time of year. True joy is found in the simple things, I think. My son and I were just visiting on the phone the other day how much we love our simple "boring" lives. We are both such creatures of habit that we crave routine and get irritated by the "hiccups" in life. :-)

    Your beautiful pictures truly capture the essence of HOME, Rue. Pictures of Bubba and Mini always make me smile.

  12. are right...those tulips are not much...they are everything...blessings laney

  13. Sometimes nothing much is the best way to spend to a morning...or a whole day! Fabulous tulips! ;)

  14. It truly is the simple things, Rue - I adore this sneak peek into the mundane and wonderful life of Rue!

  15. Beautiful morning light streaming through the windows. I love the picture of Mini in your office.
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. She does love it :)


  16. Such a thankful post. I loved it all, Rue.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, lovely friend.


  17. ((((Rue))))

    I love you my beautiful heart friend.... and will forever.
    I'm not leaving my little site..... and thank you for caring!
    I fixed the music on my DDC site (I hope!) and thank you so much for letting me know that it was temporarily silent.

    Today would be my Dad's 84th birthday..... thank you for all of the years of being there.... and being here..... and being such a sweet sweet friend.

    Now to sit back and catch up with you.....


  18. Girlfriend, I could sit at your table and drink tea all day. What a restful, cozy home you have created. It could not be more lovely.

  19. Life is beautiful in its simplicity, isn't it! I enjoyed your post... and your tulips in the sunlight were stunning, almost translucent looking! I love those kind of simple wonderful days at home, my favorite place in the world! And you know what... we use an old percolator for our coffee in the mornings too! I love the taste of percolated coffee... drip machines just don't have the flavor of those old machines! Hope you are having another wonderful day at home :)

  20. A new day is a blessing...a do-over. That's how I was feeling this morning after a very stressful week, especially yesterday. Thank you for sharing your peaceful morning with us. Love the photos.

  21. Such stunning photos, Rue. I am excited each morning to do our daily routine things and then get on to new and sometimes creative things. Life is good. Happy Valentines Day!

  22. I love my routine days, nothing is better! I could sit and look at photos of your house all day, I especially love your homey kitchen. You have created a peaceful and cozy home. Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentines Day!

  23. Ok, so I have to ask...why in heavens name are you setting the alarm before sunrise? Come to think of it, why are you setting the alarm at all? LOL

    Now that I got that out of the way, I enjoyed this peek into your morning routine, polka dot mug and all :).


  24. Ok, so I have to ask...why in heavens name are you setting the alarm before sunrise? Come to think of it, why are you setting the alarm at all? LOL

    Now that I got that out of the way, I enjoyed this peek into your morning routine, polka dot mug and all :).


  25. well... after laughing out loud at house honey...
    i have to say
    i just love this post.
    and i'm thankful for knowing YOU!
    thanks for the glimpse into such a beautiful ordinary day. ♥

  26. I love the regularity too. I could use a bit more of it some days, in fact! Those tulip glowing in the sunlight are beautiful.

  27. I agree. I love regularity in life.
    The rhythms of daily life are comforting and reassuring I think.

  28. Rue yes I so agree. Regularity in daily life is the best. It comforts and soothes the soul, who needs drama and change in our daily routine anyway! Love the dappled sunlight filling your house with warmth and it enriching light.

  29. That photo of the tulips is unbelievable. Totally perfect.

  30. Morning is my favorite time of day at home.....especially on the days that I don't have to hurry off to work. Sun shining in the windows makes me happy, too, and you've got lots of pretty windows to let the sun shine in.

    Have a good weekend, Rue!

  31. The daily rhythm. I never tire of it. Beautiful morning light in your photos, Rue. And Mini looks so peaceful lying in the warmth of the sunshine. Bubba, as always, cracks me up. Have a lovely weekend, my friend. Hugs, Nancy

  32. What a beautiful post, and I love the way the light and shade appear in your photo's.

    The start to your day sounds bliss ... may you continue to enjoy every morning and every day.

    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  33. Have a superb week-end! The regularity of life is important in so many ways. Love the tulip photo! xox

  34. Regular routines give a certain stability to life which we all need. Like you, I love those early morning habits to begin the day. Of course, those bright rays of sun shining in your charming home makes it a good day!
    Mary Alice

  35. I love the peacefulness of your morning routine, Rue. Your home is so lovely. Enjoy your weekend. Kathi

  36. Sounds just lovely, Rue. I like to ease into the day, too. A hot cup of coffee and some bird watching and some contemplation of our many blessings . . .

  37. It is so nice to start the days with our babies and a slow cup of coffee. It has been surprising to me that since I retired, the simple routines are fine with me. Days, then weeks, then months seem to go by, and grocery shopping is done only when absolutely necessary. I enjoy sewing, reading blogs (occasionally blogging myself) and starting my day slowly -- retirement is sooooo nice....

  38. Drama-free, mundane days are nice, especially the older I get! I really appreciate them! :) Love the pretty tulips in the pitcher, did a great job capturing their simplistic beauty! Hope you're having a great weekend! ~Rhonda

  39. Having things to be thankful for is everything and so much more. Wonderful thoughts, and nice of you to share. Warm greetings!

  40. I always enjoy your photos - they make me want to go back to childhood - and have my mom and dad alive and young. It's bittersweet but a good feeling when I look what you post. Have a wonderful love day.

  41. I know exactly what you mean! I also enjoy those mundane every day rituals. It's peaceful and so very comforting.

    1. I'm so glad. I think everyone should take a moment, no matter how small to enjoy their morning :)


  42. A beautiful post, Rue, and lovely photos. I enjoy my simple and peaceful mornings, too. I really just love being home...any time of the day. I'll bet you know exactly what I mean!
    Have a nice week!

  43. I saw something in your photos that I haven't seen in such a long time...the sun! :-) We've had snow off and on for the past week and when it wasn't snowing, it was raining..still is! Love the tulips! Love and hugs to you sweet friend!

  44. I also like the promise of a new day. And that moment when you happen to see some every day object and it suddenly looks wonderful as if you've never seen it before.


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