
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thank you

For the past few days, I've been catching up with you.

I'm not anywhere near doing so, but I had to stop and say thank you for all the sweet messages you wrote on my last post.

Some of you made me laugh.

And some of you put tears in my eyes.

But all of you touched my heart.

So, because I'm uncomfortable with being emotional, or more like I don't do well with mushy... or compliments.. or well, you get the idea....

I thought it was necessary to remind you that I can be a bit of a smartass.

And that's why you just got 6 pictures of the same silly bouquet from different angles.

I know just how much some of you love that ;)

Seriously though, thank you.

By the way, I FINALLY got the downstairs bathroom finished.


Pictures soon :)



  1. Rue,
    Stopping by to say, "Thank you for visiting." While here, I got caught up on your last 2-3 posts and enjoyed seeing your before, during, and after photos of your kitchen. Plus, I liked seeing 6 photos of the same flowers in this post. :) The view in the background changes giving me a chance to see details from the different angles.


  2. I see those flowers all over blog land. What are they?

  3. I like a lot of pictures of anything pretty and those flowers are glorious from all angles!! :)

  4. Hi Rue, Just trying to get a few 'catch up' visits in! I went back and read your last post, too. I am a lot like you- march to my own drummer and stay with things I love forever--whether they are 'current fashion' or not. I think that is one of the best things about blogging- we can be who we are--just as we are and know there is someone else out there just like us! Hope you have a happy Leap Year Day! xo Diana

  5. I am so glad that I found your blog. You are a joy to read.

  6. I visit blogs daily because I am not doing too well some of the time and its a way to visit and 'get out'.
    I enjoy seeing your photos and reading your thoughts. I am happy you are back and have me over for "tea".
    Hugs sent your way.

  7. I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass! :)

  8. Rue, I love what you're doing with your home, staying true to its time and to what makes you and your family happy regardless of trends. I hate trends!

  9. Rue you are a breath of fresh air here in blog land. Smart Ass indeed and a great one!

  10. I went back and read the last couple of posts that I had missed. I do feel the same way about blogging. There are still a few of us that are not into the big blogging world that redecorate every other day and love to promote their blogs. So many have left, maybe that is the reason. I feel bad that I don't get back to those who comment. Maybe that's why I don't get many comments. But I do visit their blogs and leave messages. I really enjoy visiting your blog. It is like a breath of fresh air. I love all the vintage touches and the coziness . Also the personal part.
    I used to be so good about sending cards for birthdays and thank yous and etc. I am terrible about it now. I feel guilty about that.

  11. Oh Rue, you make me smile and laugh! The pictures may have been from different angles, but the beauty of the flowers made it worth looking at six of the "almost same" photos :)

    Happy week, my friend. Hugs!

  12. It's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass. ;)

  13. It's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass. ;)

  14. Oh Rue, you are too funny. Love those pretty flowers. That one seems to last and live longer too.
    Have a great week. xo

  15. i LOVE LOVE all the views of those flowers along with your kitchen!

  16. I don't think a reminder was necessary..but the flowers are lovely.

  17. You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason. Pretty flowers.

  18. oh rue!
    THANK YOU for deleting my comment!!!

  19. Too funny. You just made me laugh. I enjoy seeing 6 pictures of the same thing! lol. Can't wait to see the bathroom. Have a good week!

  20. Beautiful flowers in your sweet kitchen. I appreciate you welcoming me in your home. There's a timeless and quietness that resonates with me. Looking forward to see your retro bathroom. Kathleen in Az

  21. These pink beauties look gorgeous from every angle and each picture captures their beauty delightfully....takes center stage in your pretty kitchen! I liked reading your previous posts, your heartfelt words capture the true meaning of blogging, thanks for expressing it in words and sharing with us :) Warm hugs, Poppy

  22. Your flowers are gorgeous!

    Blogging friends are the best!

  23. Rue,
    You're too funny and from whatever side you capture the flowers they are still beautiful in Pink. Blogging adds richness to our day and friendships along the way.

  24. That is a lovely arrangements. Sometimes I feel like I only have time to read or to post. I hate it when I have run out of posts to read because that means I've got to get something written down. However, after reading what every one else is doing, I usually get a lot of ideas that I want to share. Funny how that works. You have nothing to share and then whammo, you are typing ninety to nothing.

  25. "silly bouquet"
    No, no. no it is a most beautiful bouquet, and thank you!

    All the best Jan

  26. I enjoyed your 6 pictures of the same, pretty arrangement! LOL! I'd go so far as to say they were magazine worthy! :) ~Rhonda

  27. You may have shown the same bouquet over and over from different angles, but I didn't notice since I was enjoying a peek around your charming home in the background! :-)
    Mary Alice

  28. it's as if i was in your kitchen, enjoying some chatter and drinking strong coffee. thank you for the visit. :)

  29. Well, I for one love all the pictures of the bouquet. Flowers are pretty! :-)

    I can't wait to see what you've done with downstairs bathroom. Eagerly awaiting! Have a great day Rue!

  30. Rue,
    I could look at that bouquet all day! The color is fabulous and such a bright spot in your kitchen! So go ahead, post 6 more photos of that bouquet--no complaints from me!

  31. You can show the flowers as much as you can, Rue. They are gorgeous!...Christine

  32. I can't wait to see the downstairs bathroom! BTW, I loved the pictures of your happy flowers. :)

  33. That bouquet deserved all those photos!!

  34. hahaha! I kept waiting to see what the story was with these flowers. Geez, I will have to make one up! Did a neighbor bring them over to thank you for bringing in her mail while she was away? Did you finally use that gift card and splurge on flowers for yourself? Well, little "smart ass" just enjoy them! They are beautiful! :)

    1. LOL I just bought them at the grocery store. They're cheap, pretty and last forever :)


  35. Beautiful alstroemerias! I just read your last post which I had missed. Your home is lovely and charming...just like your blog. I always enjoy visiting here. ~Cheryl

  36. Your flowers are the perfect "thank you" card, Rue... such eye candy, and a delight to see, and I appreciated and enjoyed all six angles... :) Love that silver pot too! Looking forward to your bathroom remodel, can't wait! :)

  37. I need to go to town today for a couple of ingredients so my husband can make chicken parmesan for dinner tonight. Think I'll grab a bouquet of flowers too just to brighten up the house during this cold bout of winter weather. xo


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. It means so much to me that you took the time and I read each and every one. If you don't have a blog, look for a response under your comment. I try to get to them within a few days :)

For some reason, the comment box doesn't always show up, so if you want to leave a comment, replying to someone else's comment seems to work. Also, I've had to switch from safari to chrome in order to comment on blogger, so that might be the issue. If not, you can always reach me via email, located on my side bar. Thank you!