
Friday, March 4, 2016

The other bathroom

You've seen the upstairs bathroom, which is across from the living room, on the main level, between the den/guestroom and my daughter's room (which you may never see lol).

Well, after months and months of avoiding it doing other things, I finally finished it.

As you can see, they changed the tile at some point under the window and tried to match the pink. I'm guessing the window wasn't original and that's why, but who knows.

I still think it looks better than that awful green.

I have more to do in there, but I thought I'd share the whole tiny room anyway.

And when I say tiny, I seriously mean that you can almost use every facility without moving ;)

It's off of my bedroom, which I think was the maid's quarters, and it's through my extra closet. Honestly though, I have no idea what it was used for originally, because it also leads to what I think is the root cellar. 

I know that sounds confusing, but trying to figure out what the downstairs rooms were for is even more confusing to me ;)

Anyway, let's go in...

See how little it is?

The shower has the original tile and shower curtain bar from 1930, but the knobs were changed in the 1950s.

Yes, I know that pink tile was popular in the 50s, but it wasn't uncommon in the 30s either and the plumber confirmed it, when he was working on the shower head that wouldn't work, when I moved in.

There's three knobs, but I forget what the top one does, since I share the upstairs bathroom with Annie for the most part and don't use this shower.

Anyway, the plumber explained it, but I've since forgotten.

It just turns on when I clean, so I don't worry about it ;)

I have no earthly idea what the white marble covers and I'm not about to tear the thing apart to find out, but if anyone knows, please let me know.

The toilet has been replaced, but I know the inlayed wood toilet seat is old.

The flooring is original too :)

Next to the shower:

On the other side, you have this weirdness:

A 1930s sink that has been fitted into the wall.

Very odd.

It's also really short, so I'm wondering how tall the maid was.

Original 1930s medicine cabinet and 1950s? light.

And the little shelf behind the door:

This has to be one of the oddest bathrooms I've ever come across.

Anywho, I haven't decided to keep the yellow and white paint scheme for sure, because it was a quick clean up and I'm thinking about some 1930s looking wallpaper instead.

All in good time though.

I have many more pressing things to do.

Like say....

Finishing the backyard.

Painting the window trim on the outside of the house.

Painting the whole outside of the house and outbuildings.

Painting the den.

Painting the upstairs hallway.


My life is mostly painting.

I sometimes doubt that I'll ever have a nice manicure again.


Oh well, the finished product always makes me happy and it's good for this home that I love very, very much :)



  1. Cute and quirky :) Your house is so adorable.

  2. I love that you painted - be careful I pulled muscles while painting and was in pain for many days. Luckily I go swimming in wonderful warm water and a hot tub which is helping.
    The sun was out today and it got warm, happy happy happy.

  3. I think it's got tons of character. I love the curving shower rod. I always wanted a house with original tiles. I think they do look so much better now. Take your time on your projects, don't get burned out and have fun transforming your wonderful home!

  4. Well, it may be little but it is just quirky cute! I love those oddball things in older homes. Something you don't find in newer homes. Love that you have brought it back to it's original state. Vintage wallpaper would be beautiful in there. xo Diana

  5. WOW that is a weird bathroom. I would say that behind the white marble could have been an old wall heater, but not in a shower. We have one in our bathroom. It doesn't work and we are going to tear it out and put a shelve there when we redo the bathroom.

  6. I love all the old details. Looking forward to seeing it when you're finished with it.

  7. Love it all, and that is one fabulous toilet seat cover!

  8. That is such an unusual house. I love all the character it has!

  9. Very efficient small bathroom for the help back in the day. I just love the nooks and crannies in your home:)
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Well, Mr. Man is the main gardner. so that works LOL


  10. An owner's work is never done in an older home. :)

  11. I would say you have the pleasure of owning this unique one of a kind bath, Rue. Ah, the joys of an older home...cheer up, it is better than freezing on your way to the outhouse in the middle of the night!
    Enjoy the weekend...

  12. What a funny little space! Adds to the character, I say! And I have a list thats ridiculous, too. No manicures for me anytime soon...

  13. I am wondering if the white marble in the shower was put there after a plumbing repair where they had to open up the wall and could not longer find matching tile. That bathroom is so cute and quirky...I just love it!

  14. I am wondering if the white marble in the shower was put there after a plumbing repair where they had to open up the wall and could not longer find matching tile. That bathroom is so cute and quirky...I just love it!

  15. Don't you wish someone had left a house manual and let you know what they did and why? I've done that for our last two houses, which were builder spec homes. They needed repairs and installations so i made sure the new owners had a manual with all the information i could leave for them.

  16. The bathroom may be little, but at least it's big on quirkiness and charm! I really like the curving shower. My first thought about the marble in the shower was the same as Debbie ^ - that perhaps it was from a plumbing repair.

  17. I love the quirkiness of the bathroom and the tile looks like it's it great shape.

  18. I like the shape of the shower, and the tile looks better without the paint. It looks like there is a panel of some sort under the sink too. Maybe the pipes were replaced or repaired, and they couldn't match it so they covered it with the marble. xoox Su

  19. Rue, I came across your blog via Patty and Lemonlane Style, and I'm so glad I did! We are living a similar life right now, as far as old houses go. I can't wait to read more of your posts and hopefully get some great inspiration.

  20. Quirkiness, oddities ... call them what you will just make a home your home.
    Many thanks for sharing this small room with us. I've no idea why the marble is there and yes, it could be as Debbie (above) suggested... that does make sense!

    Oh and my man would just love those fish pictures as he too loves fishing. We do have a small fish corner with rods, reels etc and he does have a lovely collection of old fishing and nature books which are just lovely.

    Homes can be such a special place.

    Wishing you a happy weekend, well it is Saturday as I type this!

    All the best Jan

  21. I love all the details of your charming home. If only those walls could talk what a book they would write. Looking forward to more. fondly ~ Lynne ~

  22. Having lived in 2 old homes and a daughter who lives in an old home, I've come to the conclusion that big bathrooms were not commonplace back in the day. Our bathroom door misses the pedestal sink by fractions of an inch, so I warn everybody to watch their fingers! And I do believe a very tall person would find it challenging to sit on our toilet without hitting their knees on the bathtub. Could the marble slab be covering the original plumbing access panel? Life's little mysteries. :o)

  23. I know what you mean about older bathrooms. We have a capped off pipe in the corner that we have no idea where it leads to. I featured your beautiful blog on Saturday Shout Out this morning.

  24. My mother's house was a built in the 1880's. A bathroom was added on the upstairs landing and you could sit on the toilet and wash your hands at the same time. That's how little.
    I like the little shower and of course, I am in love with pink tile!
    Separate bathrooms!! What a dream that would be. We had 5 people in this house using one. Oh the stories I could tell you! ;)

  25. I have to tell you I kinda love this little bathroom! The pink tile is super cute and all the little weird built in shelves. Oh and separate bathrooms rock.

  26. This is an adorable the old tile, the odd sink in the wall, the whole bit.

    My older home has a small bathroom as well but none of this one's odd charm! :)

  27. This is an adorable the old tile, the odd sink in the wall, the whole bit.

    My older home has a small bathroom as well but none of this one's odd charm! :)

  28. I adore quirky old houses like yours - they just scream 'character' - love, love, love!!

  29. So much painting to do! I do love the charm of older homes, even if they do come with their quirks!

  30. Helloooo Rue!! I have a masterbath that is filled with questionable nooks and crannies and an interesting paint job as well. We are going to have it re-done but probably not this year. Two little things called college tuitions have gotten in our way. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!

  31. I kinda like the sink. Just imagine, since Mr. Man is tall, it can double as a urinal. ;)

  32. I kinda like the sink. Just imagine, since Mr. Man is tall, it can double as a urinal. ;)

  33. I always seem to follow Doreen and I always have to quit laughing first!
    I love how you restored that tile. it's beautiful now.
    actually the whole little quirky place is beautiful. just simple. and elegantly necessary.
    the maid must have had to use a footstool to fix her hair when looking in the mirror!
    so wonderful to have a home with history within its walls. a soul.

  34. The bathroom looks like a hodgepodge of changes over the years. Good luck with this room!

  35. Hi Rue, hey didn't I see on some post you found a book on your model of home? and the builder (that great lawyer woman!) changed it in some ways for her own design? Maybe that book or some other book would have "what the rooms were originally used for" or could be used for way back when! Research, I love it! You have a beautiful home and I love that you are keeping it true. I have a 70s home and all I am doing as well is painting, kept both bathrooms original oh boy 1970s but I love it none the less :) Have fun, cannot wait to see the rest of your paintings! :) Kat

  36. I love that quirky little sink fitted between the walls. This bathroom has so much character. The tile "shelf" is so cool. Love it all! ~ Nancy

  37. I love the pink tile! And I can't imagine the short maid being able to see herself in the mirror at all!

  38. I love how you've embraced your quirky little bathroom...but using a different bathroom yourself is pure genius!
    Your writing style keeps me smiling and chuckling to the very end, making your posts so delightful.
    Mary Alice

  39. What a cute bathroom and you are so lucky to have so many remaining details. I think the wallpaper would be perfect. Just how big do our bathrooms need to be anyway? The original bathroom in our house is very small but very efficient, all the room needed for a guest bath. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful and warm home.

  40. I love tile. I think that is what makes your bathroom so fun. All the tile.
    I am excited to see the wallpaper.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  41. Hi Rue! Quirky or not, your little bathroom is just charming! I love that wooden toilet seat. Never seen anything like that before. Hope you're having a nice weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. Rue,
    I respect you with going with preservation not restoration in your charming 1930's home. It's refreshing to see. That sink is an oddity... Appears those walls hold up and support the sink. What room is on the other side? A bedroom with a closet backing up? Perhaps a access panel is there for the plumbing - since it's not seen in the bathroom. Just a thought I had. I enjoyed this post.

  43. Hi Rue, I love that you're keeping to the original and not tearing it out. The sink is strange, indeed but, that's part of the charm of an older home. You made me tired just listing all your painting projects!

  44. Rue, your house and garden, show that you love it very, very much! If ever a house relaxed into one with its mistress, it's your house. I remember an old D. E. Stevenson book where a stranger remodeled a house in the country in Scotland and the author said the house had a look of surprise, not in a good way. Your house, and your odd little bathroom only wear a look of contentment.

  45. Love the little bathroom - and I love the yellow paint.
    I'm like you - never spend the money for a manicure because I'm always into something that ruins it, but I always keep my toes done - even in winter!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  46. I love it. I think it's quirky and mixed up in a way that only an older home would be. Can you imagine any one of those elements being thoughtfully added to a home today? No way...that little home is so lucky that you found it and you appreciate it, crazy sinks, and all!! ;)

  47. It is quirky and adorable! I love the original pink tile!

  48. That is a very quirky little bathroom and I love that you aren't racing in to tear out all the character. I imagine that it must have taken some time to strip the paint off the tiles and agree that it's an improvement, but I wouldn't be concerned about the two tones of pink. It's the little old cottage's character. When I think of all the blogs in Blogdom that wax enthusiastically about England and France and their charm but then go on to show renovation after renovation on houses that aren't even 25 years old - well, it makes me happy to read a post such as yours,

  49. That is a very quirky little bathroom and I love that you aren't racing in to tear out all the character. I imagine that it must have taken some time to strip the paint off the tiles and agree that it's an improvement, but I wouldn't be concerned about the two tones of pink. It's the little old cottage's character. When I think of all the blogs in Blogdom that wax enthusiastically about England and France and their charm but then go on to show renovation after renovation on houses that aren't even 25 years old - well, it makes me happy to read a post such as yours,

  50. I love your quirky little bathroom, and I love the pink!

  51. Rue, your home is charming with it's quirky little bathroom and all the other wonderful details that only an older home would have! I often wish my house wasn't a boxy ranch style that is so boring. :) I love older houses!

  52. okay so ..... i like it.
    sure, it's a tich quirky, but charm
    overrules the quirk and i like it.

  53. That is one odd bathroom!

    I love your line "all in time" and other things to do. There is always a long, long list!

  54. Ahhhh...I just got caught up on your posts, Rue. I do have to say, one of the reasons I like visiting is that a) You are a smartass in a world of people who wouldn't say "crap" if they had a mouthful of it. b) Your home is curious and fun and it welcomed you with open arms because it knew you weren't going to change it.

    This bathroom is so cool. I feel for your guy with the low sink but when I saw it I thought it was the neatest thing ever. What a great feature that would be in a new home as a space saver.

    It does sound like you have a lot of painting on the agenda. I hate to paint but I know it can change a room more than anything.

    Love ya,


  55. i love everything about your house and that includes this bathroom - good job on the tile and i like it just the way it is now - wonderfully different.

  56. yes, that bath is one tiny room works...and it's cute. The sink may be low but the medicine cabinet seems really high....
    I assume Mr. Man is your son..and I didn't realize he was still living there...thought it was you and daughter...i love your pretty house and am so happy you love it, too.

  57. I like a bathroom with character (I like everything with character, really) and the pink tiles are so lovely, I'm sure Mr. Man appreciates them.

  58. What an interesting bathroom! Cool to think about the history of the house- the wooden toilet seat and brown tiles in the shower are funny lol I kinda like the little sink section.... however, it is really low down like you said!

  59. I really like your quirky bathroom and philosophy:)
    Glad you stopped by so I could find you..Looking forward to coming back.

  60. I love your blog! Your living room and kitchen are my favorite rooms!

  61. I love your blog! Your living room and kitchen are my favorite rooms!

  62. I think it's going to look great when you wallpaper it. I'm a wallpaper girl too.

  63. I think it's going to look great when you wallpaper it. I'm a wallpaper girl too.

  64. Yes, that bathroom is kind of quirky, but actually pretty cute! I bet the slabs of marble (in the shower and below the sink) are covering the pipes, but I don't know how you would ever work on said pipes if that's the! I think it's a very good idea that you and your hubby have separate bathrooms.....both of you trying to get ready in this one might lead to a "marriage war!"

  65. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about..

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