
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Spring came early

So, it turns out Punxsutawney Phil was right and I was wrong.

It wouldn't be the first time ;)

Only a couple of months ago, my home looked like this....

And now the grass is turning green and the trees have buds...

That means it's time to get to work cleaning things up outside, before planting in May.

The only thing I've done so far is plant pansies in the front pots.

But it's a start ;)



  1. Wow! I bet you're enjoying every minute :)

  2. It looks so pretty. I can't wait to see the flowers.

  3. Spring has come early here too! My tulips, chives, and mint are popping up already. I spent most of the day today working the soil to do some planting soon. I'm probably going to plant some frost-hardy plants in the next couple of days- greens, radishes, and some herbs. I also peeked under the straw on my strawberry plants, and those are growing again too! Spring is in the air here!

    Have a great day Rue! :-)

  4. Your trees budded out! Fantastic! No buds here...but all of our snow has melted, and the grass is green. May can't come soon enough...but I don't really want to rush I'll wait patiently and plan out my pots! ;)

  5. Look at those green buds! We are having a lovely week here in SC but no buds on the trees yet.

  6. Beautiful! Spring has sprung early here in northern IL, too but no buds on trees yet.

  7. You have the most lovely rock sidewalk. Oh my. I am in love with that sidewalk. I wouldn't care about the plants if I had that sidewalk.

  8. Pansies - so colouful - perfect for Spring days.

    All the best Jan

  9. I just got an email from a friend up north in our neighborhood. She said it's 71 degrees today. Guess what it was in Florida? 71!

    Go figure.

  10. I just got an email from a friend up north in our neighborhood. She said it's 71 degrees today. Guess what it was in Florida? 71!

    Go figure.

  11. So pretty! Our spring came so early that I could already plant annuals. It would be a little risky but since my annuals from last summer are still alive it might work! :)

    I hope you'll join us for Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We'd love to have your pretty cottage there.

  12. It's nice that you're getting out and cleaning up your yard to plant flowers for spring. I've been thinking about planting some daisies. I love your front porch. I could sit out there for a long time. :) Your pansies are pretty.

    A happy spring day to you, Rue.


  13. I am just so in love with your little cottage.
    it's JUST what I would want in a cottage.
    I especially love a front terrace ... or side ...
    I can just see myself sitting out there with a cup of coffee in the mornings.
    it will be 80 degrees and 83 degrees two days here next week. SUMMER already!

  14. I have so many thing to prepare for spring and backyard enjoyment.

  15. Rue, I cannot adequately express how much I love your home. That first picture looks like it came straight from a fairy tale book. :-)

  16. Yay for spring! Everything is looks so pretty and your home will be surrounded by spring green very soon! I was 76' here today. This time last year we were covered up with snow! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Your trees have more green. Pansies are usually what I start with. They die back here when it gets hot.

  18. Your cottage is adorable no matter what the season! I haven't done anything outside yet - we've had rain all day today and tomorrow promises more of the same. Oh well, we need the rain.

  19. Beautiful! Send some of that green my way! :)

  20. It already looks so pretty. Love the pansies. I can't wait until our rain stops, so I can get outside too. I just love your house so much!!

  21. What a beautiful house you have. Lovely to have it framed by all the spring green.

  22. The first week of January it rained most of the week and I thought, okay, bring it on El Nino, we need the rain. Well, pretty much went down hill from there, record breaking highs! Welcome to the arid desert of the southwest, said the weatherman this morning. It made its impact else where though.
    I love your fairy tale home, enchanting in all seasons:)
    Kathleen in Az

  23. Oh my gosh, your house is just dreamy! What beautiful curb appeal!

  24. Your house is pretty in all seasons. It's fun to plan, isn't it? So many colourful choices!

  25. I'm looking forward to planting too!! Took a trip to the nursery today but didn't buy...still planning what and where to plant.

  26. I'm looking forward to planting too!! Took a trip to the nursery today but didn't buy...still planning what and where to plant.

  27. Your home is so cozy looking. I am craving that kind of green! We have had some really nice weather in the last month, so spring has to be right around the corner.
    Enjoy the rest of the week, Rue!

  28. Rue I love your home, it's architecture is enchanting. We hit the 80's today! No budding trees to make me swoon yet but soon. How pretty your lawn and trees look, it's always magical how the ground every Spring has a rebirth. Pretty share.

  29. Your home is so 'fairytale-ish' and lovely in any season. Glad to see spring springing for you. Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  30. You're two pots of pansies ahead of me!! When we lived in TX, I would start planting around St. Pat's Day. Now that we're in Mass., I have to wait til the end of April. I love your house. Have a great Thursday!

  31. Well, here in Southeast Texas, Spring has sprung, but that doesn't mean we won't have Winter again!

    I did buy all new plants last weekend and things are starting to look more alive around here. By the way, your house is super cute :)

  32. More than I have done! Spring is springing beautifully in your part of the world! xx

  33. Now that's just mean, rubbing those pansies and all that green in my face!! :) Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous....I can't get enough of your beautiful fairy tale home!! xo

  34. pansies have such darling faces ..
    others will follow, taking their place
    and longing for attention from the pansies.
    yes, it's true. ;)

  35. And a pretty start it is.
    Very warm here but the other night it was 20F so, I am still reserving my opinion on the weather.
    Birds are returning but nothing greening up yet.

  36. Pansies a good way to start. It will need to warm up a bit before I can plant anything, but very hopeful it will come early for us as well.
    Have a great day

  37. Good Evening Rue, I love pansies planted in containers, especially for early spring, they remind me that spring is just around the corner.
    I am hoping to do some tidying up in my garden as well, but first I have to wait for the soil to dry out because we have had so much rain the soil is like a quagmire.
    Enjoy your evening.
    Best Wishes

  38. How pretty…I love your patio! Your planters are pretty, too. We have pansies all winter (we plant them in the fall here in Alabama) and they are starting to look a bit tired. *sadface* Pansies are one of my favorite flowers.

    You have one of the prettiest cottages I've ever seen!

  39. Can't wait to see the flowers. I have been doing a lot of clean up - and then the snow fell again last week but it's already melted and we may get a bit more this coming weekend. Up here we are advised by the locals not to plant anything until after Mothers' day. I made sure I didn't last year and we had a big freezing snow in May and the branches of the trees were so weighted with ice they touched the ground. I can't wait to plant! By the way the last two photos - are so pleasing to the eye - the angles (of course they all are but these two especially)..Enjoy spring!!

  40. I've done a little bit more but I'm afraid Mother Nature is going to trick me. So I'm moving slowly letting all the sticks in a pot return to flowering if they will. Over half have so I'm happy. Just hope cold and ice doesn't come back and wipe them out.

  41. Lovely and I just love your house. I love, love , love it.
    Think Spring,

  42. Your house looks so pretty with the trees bursting and the grass turning green. We are still eagerly waiting for our spring to begin in Illinois. Enjoy!

  43. I went all around town Monday this week looking for pansies to plant and not one store has any yet
    your house is so charming

  44. I just love your cottage, Rue, inside and out. In Texas, we plant pansies in the Fall, and right now, mine are looking a bit leggy.
    I also toured your downstairs bathroom, in your previous post, and what a job that was to get all the paint off the tile! Do we ever run out of projects?

  45. Hi Rue, I can't wait to see what you plant. I love your darling cottage! It looks like something from a fairy tail. Have a great weekend!


  46. Here in TN, we're a little behind you. Each day the trees bud a little more, and everything is turning so green. Lots of weeds, though. After last night's gardening class, i am more confused than ever about weeds. LOL I just know to pull 'em. I am eager to plant pansies in the mailbox planter (never had one before, and I'm excited). Your home looks so pretty and welcoming, Rue!

  47. Rue,
    Spring sprung a little early here in NH too but I suppose we could still get a spring snowstorm! Not even going to entertain that thought again!!! Your cottage is adorable inside and out! Definitely one of my favorites here in blogland! I can't wait to plant flowers!!! Still too early for that here but yours are lovely! Have a nice weekend!

  48. Hi Rue, Spring sure looks pretty at your cottage. The trees are gorgeous. Pansies are doing well here right now but will be replaced when it gets too hot. Have a nice weekend!! xo

  49. Spring has sprung for a few days, here in Michigan, but now they're talking snow flurries for this coming week...UGH. I knew it was too early. I'm really in love with your adorable porch area that looks so inviting; and I just know once once you have all your flowers in bloom, it will be awesome!

  50. I am so jealous Rue! There isn't a bud to be found here in the Canadian Prairies. Our snow has almost melted so that's a good sign. Enjoy your early Spring!

  51. We just planted pansies and daffodils in all our outdoor pots too. Love springtime when everything comes alive and turns green again! Xox

  52. It's a great start! I'm so loving an early spring preview and feeling thankful that I did more fall clean up than I usually do.

  53. It is starting to look like Spring by you, not to much here, just starting to see some buds. But i know it's coming soon and cant' wait. Its been an easy winter here and am looking forward to getting in my garden...

  54. I think spring is the most anticipated season of the year... after a cold winter, the happy sunshine days certainly are exciting! Your house is so lovely, and I agree that pansies are the first flowers that I will plant after the long winter... as long as my chickens don't eat them, lol! Have a wonderful spring forward day!

  55. Rue,
    You have the all time most fabulous exterior of homes. Gosh, I love it so much!

    1. Rue, looking forward to seeing your yard in the spring. Your house has such beautiful architectural features, I'm sure plantings do noting but add to it's beauty. I sometimes miss have seasonal changes, especially fall, until I see the snow, not a fan of snow, to many days trying to get to work in the snow I guess. Have a wonderful week and thanks for the visit. Come have some sweet tea on the porch anytime.

  56. Your cottage looks like a Thomas Kinkade painting... love it! :) ~Rhonda


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