
Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Happy Ending

Remember the post I did on the huge family Bible, that was in my office?

Well, in January, I received this email:

I'm the granddaughter of Louis Hirschbek and my father was their first born in 1930. I would be honored to be the keeper of it. I have one of the violins he handmade for my dad and the bible he gave my dad when he was a child.

Thank you for posting it on your blog for one of us to find.

I couldn't believe it!

I wrote Jan for her address and sent it along to her.

She then honored me by sending along some pictures of her with her grandfather, Louis.

You can just see how proud he was of his grand baby.

Doesn't he look like the kindest man?

He was also extremely talented.

Just look at the violin he handmade and carved in 1931:

Gorgeous, isn't it?

Sadly, Jan lost him when she was only 8 years old, but thankfully while doing research on him, she came across my blog and now has another piece of their family history that she can treasure.

And I couldn't be happier for her.

In case you want to learn more about Louis, there's an article about him that you can read 'here'.

And here he is with his beautiful wife, Agneta:

Now the Hirschbek Family Bible is back in Jan's hands and I made a new friend ;)

Thank you so much Jan for sharing your story with me and for sending all these pictures for me to share with my readers.

I know you'll treasure that Bible forever :)

I never thought in a million years that it would find it's way home.

Blogland is an amazing place sometimes.

Don't you just love a happy ending? 

I sure do :)



  1. This happy ending gave me shivers (in a good way)! Congrats on completing the search for its rightful owner. Sally

  2. Oh Rue ... what an amazing read.
    This is just wonderful, and I so agree with you "Blogland is an amazing place sometimes"

    From another Jan ...!!!

    Have a great week ahead

    All the best Jan

  3. Oh my gosh, what an amazing connection! It was so nice of you to share the Bible with her. Love this post. ♥

  4. Oh, Rue! This brings tears to my eyes! Isn't that something she found your blog and you were so kind to send the Bible to her! Nothing like a happy ending!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Rue, such a happy post. Who could have believed that a family member would see your post and find that Bible.

  6. I love happy endings! How wonderful she found you and you could return the family bible.

  7. This post makes me so happy! I love to see family heirlooms back to where they belong. Wonderful Rue!

  8. so happy you were able to make that happen for her family. I love a happy ending.

  9. What a fairy tale ending! I love it. His violin is beautiful!

    Have a lovely spring ~ FlowerLady

  10. I am very surprised as well and glad to hear a happy ending!

  11. what an absolutely wonderful man.
    i read the whole article. he was a treasure.
    and now thanks to you...
    the family bible is back where it belongs.
    you are also a treasure dearest rue.

  12. Thank is wonderful and a miracle.

  13. This is an amazing story! I am so happy she found your blog. What a blessing this was for the both of you. Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs, Vicky

  14. I know that others have used the word amazing, but it truly is!! They must have been so thrilled. I can't even imagine their shock at finding are a very kind lady. I love stories like this! :)

  15. Oh my, I love this story and happy ending so much. The pictures are so sweet and that violin. Wow! It is a wonder of Blogland that the story turned out so well. I know she is so happy to have the Bible. I had a story about my family violin that was returned to me by my parents new home owners. It was unbelievable to me, that it was returned and restored by them. People can be wonderful! This post just made me happy and thankful. You did a really good thing, Rue.

  16. That's wonderful, Rue. It was so good of you to hold on to it! I love how she shared family pictures with you. It makes Louis have dimension and be more real somehow.....

  17. A truly beautiful story! One wonders how / when/ why the Bible was let go by the family,,,, probably another story!! The violin is wonderful. What craftsmanship! You did a very kind thing, and I am sure the family is so happy to have it back in their possession. After watching the news.... this, instead, is what I choose to believe is more representative of our world. Let us hope!

  18. Sometimes I dislike the internet for all the ugliness that is spread via it, here is a piece of loveliness. So selfless of you to do.

  19. Oh Rue, what a wonderful story! I have chills and tears in my eyes. I am our family "curator" and I treasure all those items. I do worry what will happen when I am not here to love them. I am so glad this bible found it's way home to someone who will treasure it. And I read the story about her grampa, too. Quite a craftsman!

  20. What a wonderful story with the happiest of endings. The Internet can do some wonderful things, and this is one of them.

    Such a gorgeous violin as well. Just your style; ).

    Her grandfather does indeed look like a kind soul, and although he left her far too early, now thanks to you the family has a meaningful family heirloom.

    Way to go Rue!


  21. That is so wonderful. I once re-united a family bible to it's family, including a dozen little curls of hair that were inside it.
    Now if only someone would find my missing GGG grandfather Henry McClain! All we have is my GG grandfather's death certificate stating his name and that he was from Ireland. Both my cousin & I have searched for years with no result.

  22. What a wonderful story with the happiest of endings. The Internet can do some wonderful things, and this is one of them.

    Such a gorgeous violin as well. Just your style; ).

    Her grandfather does indeed look like a kind soul, and although he left her far too early, now thanks to you the family has a meaningful family heirloom.

    Way to go Rue!


  23. I am so happy that the bible has found it's way back to the family and you have made a new friend, Rue.

  24. This is a very special story, Rue, exuding happiness all around.


  25. Rue, this is an amazing and beautiful story. I enjoyed the article on violin making. A fine piano is similar to a violin in that the more it is played the better it will sound, but it also takes on the player's personality. xoxo Su

  26. Hi Rue,
    This really is an amazing story. I had not seen your original post about the bible so I went back to your original post to read the entire story! What were the chances that a family member would see your post? What a kind gesture! The family must be so grateful! I know I would be to reconnect with a family heirloom. So glad I read this tonight! I've been watching too much negativity in the news and this story did my heart good!!! Thank you!

  27. Yes, a wonderful Happy Ending! I remember the post about the Bible. I am so happy how it all worked out, and I find it just amazing how God works. He is working in our blogs too.
    Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  28. Wonderful news! A beautiful lost Bible and you kept it until it was found. It was meant to be.
    Kathleen in Az

  29. That is an amazing story! How wonderful for both of you.

  30. That is a wondrous story! I can't believe the granddaughter of the owner of your Bible found it through your blog. Definitely meant to be.

  31. That is such a heartwarming story!
    I found a cousin through our two blogs and that gave me a great feeling!

  32. What a great, great story!!! What a blessing and a treasure for her to have something of her grandfather's!

  33. They say fact is stranger than fiction, but in this case, it's also better than fiction! No one could have made up a happier, more satisfying ending than this. :-) Thanks so much for sharing this heartwarming story.

  34. Hi Rue, this is an outstanding story with a happy ending. So glad the bible found its way back to a family member. Blogland and you made that happen. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. xo

  35. Wow, Rue, this is wonderful. Who could have guessed what a happy outcome. I'm so happy to hear this endearing story. Kathi

  36. Rue... what a wonderful story and such a great way to start my day. Enjoy your week.

  37. Wow, happy ending for sure Rue! You hear so much negative things about modern technology today, so this is proof that its not all bad :-)
    Take care

  38. Oh wow ... what an interesting story and an amazing happy ending.

  39. What a wonderful story ! Reminds me of a few months back. Last year I'd done a series on my ancestry on my mom's side and last month I received an email from a young man in Germany searching for "Hamels" etc and he'd come across my blog. I put him in touch with some other relatives and turns out he's related to some of us, albeit distantly. That was so much fun so I can only imagine your delight in this family Bible adventure! :)

  40. What a wonderful story ! Reminds me of a few months back. Last year I'd done a series on my ancestry on my mom's side and last month I received an email from a young man in Germany searching for "Hamels" etc and he'd come across my blog. I put him in touch with some other relatives and turns out he's related to some of us, albeit distantly. That was so much fun so I can only imagine your delight in this family Bible adventure! :)

  41. What a sweet story and yes, I love a happy ending! Blogland is incredible the way it connects people all over the world - aren't we so lucky?

  42. What a wonderful story... I do love a happy ending, too! Who would've ever thought a connection could've been made through blogland for the family's Bible! How kind of you to pass it on! But then, I wouldn't expect any less of you, you're such a sweet soul! :) ~Rhonda

  43. Wow...that is so incredible. Very kind of you to pass it on.

  44. Wow, what an incredible story with a great ending. Such a wonderful thing to do, Rue! :)

  45. Awesome! This is one for your memoirs. xo

    1. What a blessing for the family. Its so nice to know something so good came out of Blog land. You are a very special person to have done this for the family.

  46. Wow. Amazing story. I love the photographs. Happy Day for All.

  47. Rue this post brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so very much for caring and making sure that a family heirloom can once again be a treasure. My dad had a bible that was handed down to him. It originally had be given by my great great great grandmother, the original Laura Ingalls, to her son Lansford James Ingalls, when he was sent off to fight the Civil War. Sadly, it was stolen from my father and I hold out the hope that someday it will be returned to me.

  48. A lovely story with a very happy ending.
    And now you have the house and it is in tender, caring hands.

  49. Isn't it wonderful that the bible has found it's way back to Jan and her family? I'm so glad you shared about the bible and that through that post, Jan was able to track you down. :) You are a good and sweet woman Rue.

  50. What a fabulous true story, Rue! And another reason for all of us to give thanks that you returned to blogging!

  51. Rue - that is one of the coolest things I have ever read. Just wow. You are so awesome. ♥♥♥


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