
Monday, March 14, 2016

A window tale

For some reason, years later, she had to sell the cottage.

A family bought it.

Now, this family was probably a very nice family, but there were these evil people that would go door to door convincing neighbor after neighbor that old windows needed to be replaced. Even though some windows had been on their old homes for over a hundred years and had nary a problem, they agreed to change them out.

 Eventually, the evil window people came upon the little cottage where the family lived and convinced them that the little cottage's wooden framed windows weren't good enough.

Unknowingly, the family fell into the trap, like their neighbors, and agreed to replace the windows with some that wouldn't last more than ten or twenty years.

Some years later the family sold the house to a couple.

Now this couple wasn't very nice.

They had plans to destroy the cottage on the inside, but before doing that they decided to paint the entire outside, including the window trim, brown.

Not only that, but they used latex paint over oil based paint without sanding it.

About five years later, there fell upon the world a great recession and the couple had to sell the little cottage, so their evil plan was foiled.

Along came a woman that immediately fell in love with the little cottage and she bought it.

Soon she started undoing all the bad things that were done, but discovered that some things were going to have to be replaced professionally.

Boys and girls, do you know what that would be?

Why yes, Susie! It is the windows.

Well, all except the four original windows downstairs, that escaped the evil window replacers, that you guessed it... have nary a problem, except they too have to have the latex paint scraped off.

Not only are the metal window replacements failing, because of moisture between the glass, the wood window trim is rotting, because of the latex paint pulling off from the oil based paint and the leaks that come from improper window replacement.

And this kids, is what happens when you do that...

So, the woman that loves the little cottage knows that she'll have to replace not only this window, but eventually ALL of the ones that were replaced by the evil window people.

For now though, she has scraped all the latex paint off and has done some patching with wood putty until she can get someone that knows what they're doing to replace them.

There's also another sad window tale, involving some not too bright person building a staircase in front of a window.

But the woman will deal with that eventually too.

Just like she has when changing the outside from this...

To this...

It's a slow process and the woman has much more to do, but the little cottage knows she's trying and is very very happy that someone finally cares again.

To be continued...





For information on old windows go 'here'.

Please read it before you get angry about replacement windows.


  1. I loved hearing your cute true story, cute the way you told it. I am so impressed with your knowledge about paint and windows. I like that green paint and I look forward to all you are doing to this lovely cottage. Kathi

  2. What a lovely story. I'm glad you came upon this cottage and have taken time to bring it back to what it was meant to be. It's painstaking work, I'm sure, but you must be so pleased at how it's going. Jan

  3. You spin a lovely tale, my dear. While you may have to slay a few dragons and stand off some evil trolls along the way, I have no doubt this story will end with "...and they lived happily ever after." :-)

  4. This was a great little story. You are doing a wonderful job of caring for and restoring this sweet home of yours.

    Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  5. Your cottage must love you so much!

  6. Goodness! I have to wonder what some people's idea of maintenance is. When the hubby and I first moved to Kentucky and lived in a rental, we had pretty sad windows too. They were rotting and really gross. I suspect there was some of the same problem you were having- someone did a poor job at trying to upgrade or fix something and there was moisture in between the glass causing wood to rot.

    At any rate, your patching job looks phenomenal. I wish we'd done something like that at our rental, although I guess in hindsight I'm glad we didn't :-)

  7. Oh my! I didn't realize until you pointed it out that the stairs are going the wrong direction. They probably originally faced the drive rather than the front. Your window looks so much happier now:)

  8. Good thing your cottage has someone who knows how to properly take care of her! Unbelievable with the windows. And a staircase covering a window? What are people thinking?! Always so much work to do when you're a homeower!

  9. I love your story and what you are doing to the beautiful cottage you have bought. When you are done it will have a smile on its face. In fact I can already see the little cottage starting to smile again.

  10. Well Rue you've done a fabulous job patching what you've got. Hopefully you'll be able to find someone knowledgeable enough to help you getting these back to their former glory!

  11. Your story reminds me of another blogger and her cottage. The maintenance and money involved shows how much both of you love your cottages. Both in beautiful places, mountains and seaside.
    The window by the steps, interesting.
    Kathleen in Az

  12. This post makes me smile, what you are doing!

  13. I love this and I love your little cottage! I'm so happy it found someone to give it the love it deserves.

  14. The old windows in old homes are often what gives them so much character. I don't know why anyone would choose to replace them! Your cottage is so pretty and I love how you are restoring it to its' original charm. :) Have a great day!

  15. And that's how it goes with home ownership. There's always something to fix or beautify. You've got this!

  16. This is my favorite story of the day! Evil window people and stupid people seem to go hand in hand. You will return this sweet cottage to it's full glory and vintage goodness!
    The End!

  17. Restoring an old home to its former glory is a long, hard process. And expensive. It takes someone with your heart for old historic homes and the fortitude you possess to see it through. You're doing a beautiful job, Rue. Hugs, Nancy

  18. Rue...this is a darling post. I think you have the makings of a book like Bee Cottage. Have you seen it? What a difference the green trim makes!!I am a nut for windows. The whole reason I fell in love with my present house was because of the beautiful old windows. Hope you have a great day!!

  19. This sweet cottage needs you desperately! Fun to watch how you're pouring your love into it. It never ceases to amaze hubby and me what some people do to their homes in the form of "improvements".
    Mary Alice

  20. Oh I'm so glad you and your little cottage found each other! You little Super Hero you! :)

  21. Don't you just wonder what goes through some people's minds??????? I mean, come on, really? A staircase right in front of a window?? What the heck? You did a great job patching up all the damage around the kitchen window - you rock, Rue!! :)

  22. Why in the world would they put a staircase in front of a window!!!

  23. Those previous owners have a lot to explain! Luckily the pretty house now has an owner who lives it and will take care when making improvements. They will be more like enhancements to the pretty house.
    When we moved to our cottage in 2014 we had no idea that previous owners had painted every piece of trim with latex over oil. The flaking will go on until every last piece is scraped, primed and repaired. What is wrong with these people!?

  24. So sorry you have to go through all that! I'd like to know too, why someone would put a staircase in front of a window? But, I do think your cottage will thank you, by providing a wonderful home for you and your loved ones! ;)

    1. Your little cottage is so lucky to have you! We have the same problem the wooden windows taken out and vinyl replacement installed. And as the owner said, got a deal on them, they are very poorly installed, trust me. But here's the BUMMER, the old owners took all the wooden windows with then! Yes, saved them all and took them to their 1960's house! That's funny!!! Hope they get allot of use out of them!

  25. oh rue.
    if margaret is still there as your guardian she is surely smiling at what castle cottage has become! the wee turret... the charm. the roof that looks like a fairy tale.
    it's all so perfect.
    and that a rue found it and cared enough to find its history. to seek its soul.
    margaret is twice blessed that you are its caretaker now.
    this is a wonderful wonderful post! XOXO♥

  26. I can just about hear that annoying commercial...Window World, Window World, Window World! And the homeowners buying into the 'replacement window' BS.

    But then along comes Rue, our modern day temptress of the turret, savior of the sink, and princess of the pristine! Banish the evil window people, and let us rejoice that the cottage will have its fairytale ending :).

  27. I can just about hear that annoying commercial...Window World, Window World, Window World! And the homeowners buying into the 'replacement window' BS.

    But then along comes Rue, our modern day temptress of the turret, savior of the sink, and princess of the pristine! Banish the evil window people, and let us rejoice that the cottage will have its fairytale ending :).

  28. Oh wow Rue sounds like a grimms brother evil fairy tale. When we purchased our row-home prior owners had been talked into putting perma-stone over the exteriors windows wood... Why who knows because our house is stone and they added faux stone!!! Go figure out people and you'll be famous. Anyway many years ago we removed all the ugly perma-stone, repaired the damage and replaced our windows with Pella. We are happy with the windows.

    1. We have been working on our old, over one hundred year old home since we bought it in l977. We have slowly restored it to its original beauty, maybe even better. Some people had put ugly tile on the wood floors, paneling on the walls and painted all the oak woodwork an ugly blue color. But I have stripped all the wood, replaced the wood floors with wood floors, and although we had to replace the windows, which had those ugly grey storm windows on them, we replaced them with ones that look like old ones. I think our old house is happy. Hope your restoration doesn't take as long as ours has.

  29. Bless you child. It is so much work to do these window repairs and replacements but you can't put a price on an old house that has been loved and repaired with care. I'm glad you found your little love and glad you have the energy to do it right.

  30. Sounds like you have your hands full with all the changes to do! Why would someone block a window with a staircase? Boggles the mind.

  31. Rue, I am glad you are there to protect and look after your cute cottage. I love the green trim. It must be a ton of work and money to get back your windows, but so worth it in the end. Your cottage is lucky to have you!

  32. It's a slow process, but it will be worth it!

    I love your little cottage and I am sure your cottage is happy that you are living there.

  33. Well, I am so glad you found this house and are lovingly going about the work that needs doing.
    To coin a phrase ' it looks as pretty as a picture'
    Seriously it does and I for one always enjoy reading about you and your lovely house.

    All the best Jan

  34. The first picture of your cottage looks like one you would see in a picture book! So pretty and quaint. I think this cottage definitely has the right owner now. :-)

  35. I'm so glad that you are the one who got it and are bringing her back.

  36. I just love when you show pictures of your cottage. It's so stinking cute!

  37. Great post! So glad that the beautiful cottage has been rescued and is being restored to it's fullest potential and glory! :) ~Rhonda

  38. very informative. Having read this, I will never fall for the evil window replacer bad advice.

  39. Some people should not be allowed to own a house! The poor cottage is lucky to have you.

  40. Dear friend Rue, I have found that as a general rule things were just built better when people cared and took pride in their work. Like you I adore the wavy old glass that signals charm and loveliness. I do hope you will find a good woodworker. When we lived in Phoenix I hired a man from the Amish/Mennonite community.
    You should link up this wonderful post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

    Have a wonderfully Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  41. So much work has been done on your cottage, Rue, but it has all been worth it because you are living in such a sweet charming cottage to call your own. And I think your house loves you as much as you love her. :)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  42. The evil window people lived here too and replaced all the basement windows and upstairs windows. BUT lucky I bought and wouldn't let any evil window people replace any of the main floor original windows. I've threatened to divorce my hubs is he even tried, and in 17 years he hasn't. Got my message across. My hubs striped and sanded all the main floor windows and it was a tedious, patience filled I can so relate.

  43. Rue,
    You are an inspiration. I love, love, love the way you write.
    We have our old windows. Yippee. Our home has two sets of piano windows. I am so thankful! Our house had many other things that evil people did, like cover beautiful wood floors with carpet!! Paint beautiful Oak trim!!
    :-) Love your blog and your home.

  44. Painting and glazing windows is not an easy process, but so worth it in the end. Your window already looks a thousand times better than it did before, and so does your freshly painted green trimwork!

  45. that was fun to read - but hard work for you - and who would cover up a window with a staircase, darn! You've done a great job on your restoring projects so far. I know it's hard work but i bet you enjoy every little minute of it. I would.

  46. Your cottage looks like it belongs in a fairy tale,, so cute and inviting. I was so pleased to learn that you found a family member for the Bible, it amazes me what items a family leaves behind. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Blessings to you.....

  47. Oh Rue, I am so far behind on my blog reading and responding and I do apologize. My hubby, who is a former carpenter, just cringes when he sees the mess that people make when they try to do "remodels" or replace things and don't do them correctly which leads to damage further down the road. I so wish we lived closer to you so my hubby could come over, assess the damage and help you fix it. Of course I would tag along with him and bring you some homemade cookies too. ;)

  48. Oh Rue, I am so far behind on my blog reading and responding and I do apologize. My hubby, who is a former carpenter, just cringes when he sees the mess that people make when they try to do "remodels" or replace things and don't do them correctly which leads to damage further down the road. I so wish we lived closer to you so my hubby could come over, assess the damage and help you fix it. Of course I would tag along with him and bring you some homemade cookies too. ;)

  49. Rue, your tale, though a sad one was so darn entertaining. Sorry about the windows, but you are such a creative writer and I just had to tell you that! :)

  50. What a shame about the windows. I love the green trim, and I enjoyed your bedtime story because we're just getting home from a trip and it's bedtime for me! :)

  51. Some homeowners simply have no idea what they are doing when it comes to home repairs or upgrades. We decided to do a remodel some years ago when we lived in Maryland. We were enlarging doorways and putting in French doors. The previous owner had made changes to one of those interior doorways and when he put in the header over the door, he did not nail in the header. We were lucky the entire send floor of the home had not come crashing down on us. Idiot.

  52. What a lovely turnaround, and I am sure your plans will take the house back to its original intention. Warm greetings!

  53. Hurrah for the current woman of the house! I feel so vindicated now, upon reading this post, to have insisted on holding on to all the old windows in the original portion of our house. And I remember the house of my youth, which we bought in our 20s, that had marvelous wood windows AND wood screens And wood storm windows, all numbered, that we continued my father's practice of taking down and putting up each spring and fall. I loved them and the solid way they sat in place when up.

    I hope you find wood windows to take yours back to their original state of wellbeing. I loved this cautionary tale, Rue.


  54. Your house must be sighing a breath of relief that you have come there to live. Hope you can find some good help with those windows.
    And what a great story about the family Bible finding its way back home!!
    xo Deborah
    ps putting steps in front of a window? duh

  55. A very interesting story with a good lesson to be learned! I have every faith all will be restored to its original glory by you! No doubt!

  56. ahhh, you are doing such a great job on your cottage. It is just adorable....and so are you.

  57. You go, girl!

    Every step is closer to making your dream come true.

    And I sooooooooooooooooooooo love your cottage! : - )

    1. Oh that cottage is so lucky to have you, Rue. You will make it to be the most charming ever!....Christine

  58. An enchanting story, Rue, one I can certainly identify with! I know your cottage is happy at last.

  59. An enchanting story, Rue, one I can certainly identify with! I know your cottage is happy at last.

  60. Hi Rue,
    What a great post and something that every homeowner should read before replacing old windows that are beautiful and work just fine with a little tune up!
    I love the temporary fix that you did and the green is beautiful!

  61. Rue, I don't know how I missed this post, but I'm glad I found it today. Love your fairy tale and so glad your cottage is in the right hands now. One of the things I liked about our house when we bought it was the original wood windows. Didn't want a house from the next decade when horizontal sliding aluminum windows were all the rage or any house that had replacement vinyl. We only had to replace one window because it was unfixable, but we replaced it with an identical wood window. As more houses in the neighborhood fall victim to "the evil window people," my husband is starting to think it's a good idea! But I will fight the good fight!

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