
Thursday, October 13, 2016

A little lamp went out


My friends are little lamps to me,
Their radiance warms and cheers my ways.
And all my pathway dark and lone
Is brightened by their rays.

I try to keep them bright by faith,
And never let them dim with doubt,
For every time I lose a friend
A little lamp goes out.

Elizabeth Whittemore


Rest in Peace, my dear friend. I'm glad I had the privilege of knowing you for almost 10 years. 
You will be missed, Pat.
Very much.



  1. I am so sorry Rue. I have read her blog in the past and really enjoyed it. Praying for her family.

    I am hoping that you will be coming back to share on your blog again. You have been so missed my friend. (((((((HUGS)))))

  2. Rue we all will miss Pat..I had gotten so close to her over the years..We were both born in the same month only 5 days apart and the same age.Also she had 3 daughters as I do..I loved readin all her posts and seeing her great picture that she took..1 in and million was our Pat..RIP my dear sweet friend..Hugs and love gloria

  3. OMGOSH!!! I have been gone for blogging for quite a while myself. I had no idea that Pat had passed away. What happened? I am so sorry. She had a wonderful, warm, rich blog full of beauty and light. I can't believe she is gone!!!!

    1. Hi Diana....Pat had been sick for several months. One of her daughters posted a couple of status reports on her health which, unfortunately, was not very positive. She passed away a few weeks ago. She will be greatly missed.

  4. Pat was a one of a kind special lady...she will be truly missed

  5. I never knew her or her blog. Sorry to hear she passed away. Missing you, Rue.

  6. Pat was a super sweet lady. So welcoming. Hoping you are well, thinking of you...

  7. Rue, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. This is a nice poem to remember her by. She had a radiant smile. :)


  8. Rue, I am so sorry for your loss of a dear friend. I have never heard that poem before. It is so sweet. I pray for you that God is keeping you surrounded by loving friends and keeping you encouraged. Hugs, Kathi

  9. my condolences on your loss. I didnt know her but she sure seemed well known and loved here in your blogging world. What sad news.

  10. our blogging world. Not "your" blogging world.

  11. Dear Rue ~ I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. That was a lovely little poem.

    I do hope you'll come back to posting again. You are MISSED!

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  12. oh rue .. i'm so sorry for your loss. ♥

  13. My dear Rue, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet friend. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as is her precious family. Hugs to you!

  14. Hi Rue,
    Pat was a real sweetheart and I miss her very much too. So sad to say goodbye to the sweetest of angels in life.
    Hugs to you Rue. Sorry for this loss.

  15. I know your feelings. Just lost a dear aunt. God be with you.

  16. A little lamp went out indeed. It flickered and then was dark. I have felt a hole in my heart ever since.

  17. I am so sorry to read this and for Pst's family's loss.

  18. I am so sorry to read this and for Pst's family's loss.

  19. I was sorry to hear of Pat's passing. I did enjoy her blog too. Even though it is in sadness that we heard from you... I was glad to see a posting, I miss reading your blog. Take care & hope you will be back soon.

  20. We loved her blog and we were so sad to hear about her passing. She had great style and we enjoyed her posts. She will be missed.

  21. So sorry for your loss Rue. Blessings to you, Deborah

  22. What a nice tribute to a friend, Rue. She will be missed by all who were lucky enough to know her.

  23. I have been away from blogging for over a month and did not know what was going on. I really liked Pat. She was a great person. She will be missed. She was one of the first who welcomed me to blogging years ago when I started.

  24. Hi Rue! Oh, I know I can hardly believe our Pat is gone. What a sweet and kind soul she was. We knew her back when blogging was so much more personal. I'm so glad for that, aren't you? Thinking of you, sweet little friend.
    Shelia ;)

  25. I'm so sorry you lost a friend Rue, so very sad. Thinking of you!

  26. I did not know Pat, but everyone says such lovely things about her that I think I really missed out.

  27. Sending a HUG! I am sorry you lost a dear friend.
    Love, Carla

  28. Sad news! She will be missed!!
    Praying for all those that loved and will miss her.

    {{hugs}} to you...


  29. A very nice tribute Rue.

    RIP Pat

    All the best Jan

  30. I could not believe it when I heard on FB about our losing Pat. She and I were the same age but oh my how that amazing woman could run rings around me. She constantly astonished me with her talent and enthusiasm and positive outlook. You words are so true of her, Rue, a light did indeed go out. I am missing her.

  31. I was away from blogging most of the summer and when I returned I was so shocked to hear about Pat. She was a most talented and lovely person and will be greatly missed.
    Lovely tribute to her, Rue...take care. xo Cheryl

  32. I was so sad when I read the news about Pat, that I actually felt ill. Her blog was one of my favorites and she had such a talent with decorating and writing along with her picture taking. Bless her beloved J as I'm sure he is missing her so much. It was his health that was always a worry so this was unexpected. I am still so shocked.

  33. I have not commented on many blogs before, but I was compelled to do so today. I am SO sorry to hear about Pat. I TRULY enjoyed her blog, and I value the inspiration that Pat provided through her blog by simply sharing glimpses of her everyday life. As I read her posts, I sensed that she was an amazingly spunky woman who loved life and her family very much. My heart is heavy as I think of her family, and especially her husband, J. Praying for her family, friends, and those of us that she inspired in the blog world.

  34. Like so many here I will miss Pat very much. I've been following her blog for many years always in awe of her beautiful photographs. We had the same taste in home furnishings. Whenever she bought something new, I always loved it. She certainly had a zest for life, and that came through her blog. Gone much too young.


  35. Rue, I miss Pat so much. The friends I've made are dear to me--you are dear to me.
    Love, Mlee
    Your long-time buddy. ((Hugs)) to lil ole Bubba.

  36. I didn't know Pat very well, but was very shocked to hear of her passing. She will be very missed in the blog world.

    And speaking of missed, you are, too! Please, please come back to us. xoxo

  37. Rue, I did not know Pat or her blog, and now I'm glad I didn't, or I'd be feeling as sad as all of you who knew and miss her. So sorry for your loss. Hope you'll return to the blogosphere soon, as your absence is felt by many.

  38. Rue, I did not know Pat or her blog, and now I'm glad I didn't, or I'd be feeling as sad as all of you who knew and miss her. So sorry for your loss. Hope you'll return to the blogosphere soon, as your absence is felt by many.

  39. Good Evening Rue, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend Pat. I can feel your sadness in the words I am reading.
    You spent a wonderful 10 years with this lovely lady and I know she will always be in your heart.
    Take good care of yourself Rue. As you can tell by all the comments you have received, your friends miss you.
    I look forward to the time you are able to blog again.
    With warmest wishes.

  40. I'm behind with my blog reading but wanted to stop and say hi. I'm sorry for your loss.

  41. Hello, Rue. You are missed. Hoping you are beginning to feel better. How are you progressing on your painting projects? Your home is lovely!

  42. Hello, Rue. You are missed. Hoping you are beginning to feel better. How are you progressing on your painting projects? Your home is lovely!

  43. This is so shocking, she had so much life in her through her blog. That is only way I knew Pat I always read her blog posts and seen her gorgeous pictures.
    So sorry to read this
    My condolences goes out to her husband and family

    Janice in Missouri

  44. I still miss Pat. Her granddaughter Xanti is now blogging on Pats blog, carrying the tradition forward.


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