
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Where I've been

Well, busy living life mostly.

Don't think for a minute that I didn't miss all of you (I did!), but I really needed to step away and just 'be'.

I'm sure you've all been there at some point.

Anyway, I didn't mean to be gone so long, but time got away from me and I neglected this poor blog and all of you, so for that I apologize.

I truly do.

So, what exactly has been going on here?

Well, we watched the leaves change....

then fall...

had our first snow...

and I lit the first fire of the season.

Annie and I celebrated our birthdays in November.
I can't believe she's 21!

For the occasion, my mom, my brother, his wife, Annie and I all went to Las Vegas.

We were so busy that all I managed to take were these awful pictures of the views from our rooms...
and the two outfits I wore to dinner.

Thank goodness for my sister-in-law that managed to take quite a few photos of our adventures while we were there:

We also carved pumpkins.
and I spent time with friends.
What about Bubba?

 Well, he did a lot of sleeping...
and begging ;)

And these days Mini mostly sleeps.

Poor old girl.

There were beautiful sunrises...

and lovely full moons.

We've trimmed the tree...

and now we're waiting for Santa.

And I'm ready to ring in the New Year with a new hairdo ;)

So that's what I've been up to :)

How about all of you?

I'll be checking in on you very soon.



  1. Rue it's good to hear from you and to see how well life is going. I know about stepping away from the blog at times, just glad you came back. Merry Christmas!

  2. Happy Christmas holidays dear Rue. It is so good to read this happy, newsy post from you. You are a lovely woman, and now have someone new in your life. You've been missed and I do hope you'll be posting now that you've broken the ice, so to speak.

    Love and hugs to you and yours ~ FlowerLady

  3. I know exactly what you're talking about - being away. Good to see you! I've wondered what you were up to. Great to see that you're doing well. Have a blessed Christmas!

  4. Rue- It is so good to see you here. It looks like life has smoothed out for you a bit. You look happy and rested-always a good sign. I always love the bits and pieces of your home and your life. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season- Blessings- xo Diana

  5. Okay, well, Happy Birthday and who's the guy?

  6. Sometimes it's just good to fall back and take a respite. Look at how many wonderful way you spent your hiatus! I took a blogging break for 6 months and, honestly, it's one of the best things I've done. Living life instead of only writing about it did wonders for my outlook. Glad to have you back and may I say you are looking very sharp. Happy Christmas, Rue! xo ~ Nancy

  7. Merry Christmas Rue! I was so happy to see your post this afternoon. Thanks for sharing some of the fun that you well deserved. Glad to hear you met someone new too. Love your new hairdo... Our high temp today was 0...nice to see your pictures with grass. Ours is all cover with snow from storm last week end. Now they are saying another snow storm this week end too, with another 6 - 8 inches of snow!! God Bless...

    1. Hi Kaylene :)

      So sorry for the late response! I hope you're getting a bit of Spring where you live now.


  8. Glad you've been living life. That's good! Glad to see you back in blogland. We've missed you, Rue. Your pictures look like you've been busy. Merry Christmas!

  9. Hi Rue - thanks for posting/sharing such good things in your life. Hugs.

  10. Lovely to see you back and all looking happy and healthy. Congrats on the new , very handsome, you look great together. Happy Christmas and a Merry New year xx

    1. Sorry for the late response, Catherine! And thank you so much! :)


  11. Good to hear from you again. It sounds like you have had mostly good days this year. I do hope you will be inspired to blog again.

  12. So good to hear and see that all seems pretty wonderful on your end - I love those two outfits! Va va voom! (: And I have a 21 year old, too. How is that possible since I'm only 29??? I hope you post again real soon!

  13. Oh Rue, I am so happy reading this! You have been missed so much and it is so good to read about what your life has been like lately and to see the pictures. And to see Bubba again! And sweet Mini, she's earned the right to take good naps. Welcome back! We love you,

  14. This is a nice Christmas treat:). Living life with all your people and especially the doggies, ok, I missed them. Merry Christmas Rue!
    Kathleen in Az

  15. So nice to see you here, Rue! Looks like you have been living your life...just as you should!
    I love the photos! xoxo

  16. A belated Happy Birthday to both of you! My 'baby' turned 30 in November - ouch! So nice to see you have been enjoying life and it seems to be treating you well. I just love seeing pictures of your cute home. Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas!

  17. I'm so glad to see you back Rue and yes, we have all been there at one time or another. It looks like your life has just gotten better and better with family, friends and meeting someone new. I am happy for you. :)

  18. So nice that you are back. Lovely photos of you and the family having a good time. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you so much, Iris!

      Sorry for the late response.


  19. Very happy you've come back to us. You have been missed so much. Looking forward to see your posts from now on. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year.

  20. It is so nice to have you back and catch up on all your news! And all of it good! I'm happy for you.

  21. I have been blogging less frequently and was just wondering the other day what you were up to and I must say that you are looking fabulous.

  22. So glad to see you posting. I have taken a break too and will be back after the new year. Love your new do and it looks like you are happy. Hope your holidays are good for you and the family.

  23. Sooooo happy to see you looking happy and very Fab Rue in your outfits and B- Day celebrations with your daughter. I missed hearing about all the home adventures & projects and of course the doggies pics. It is healthy and a sign of success to know yourself well enough when you need a break. We all need breaks from whatever we do and that you were able to recognize this. And such a handsome new beau too. Stay well and looking forward to reading more when you post next. Have yourself (and family) a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the upcoming New Year. Deanna (Quebec, Canada)

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words, Deanna!

      I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.


  24. I'm glad you've met someone new, you look great together. Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas! fondly ~ Lynne ~

  25. Rue,
    So excited to see your pop up in my email this morning. Yeah good to see you back and say helloooooo! Looks like life has kept you busy in a great way. Love that black vintage dress with the gold bling. You looked stunning. Beautiful girl!
    Happy Holidays. Hugs to those fur babies too. Soo sweet.

  26. this morning i logged on and saw that you had a new blog post.. i said, "rue" with a smile and quick click to come visit. in the midst OF life you're LIVING life .. and beautifully! all of it! so thankful for so many things you shared, rue. you're a beautiful woman {and i adore that longer black dress especially!}. ♥♥♥ so good to see you.

  27. You look happy Rue - so glad you've been having some fun after a difficult time. I'm hoping you will have a terrific holiday season and a New Year filled with happiness.
    Take care

  28. Hello, Rue! So happy to see you have returned and even better, looking so happy. I've checked every day these months & then, this morning,what a wonderful surprise! Merry Christmas to you & your family.

  29. Hello, Rue! So happy to see you have returned and even better, looking so happy. I've checked every day these months & then, this morning,what a wonderful surprise! Merry Christmas to you & your family.

  30. I enjoy your blog very much and hope to see it more often in the future. Your new hairdo looks great and I love Bubba watching for Santa. I hope Santa brings you peace, good health, and happiness for Christmas and 2017.

  31. Oh Rue ... so good to say welcome back.
    What a lovely post and your photographs all good to see.
    You are looking good.

    My good wishes for the Christmas Season to you and your family

    All the best Jan

    P.S. I couldn't help but notice my favourite word in this comment was good, perhaps I should also say it's great to have you back blogging!

  32. So good to see you back! You've been missed. Really enjoyed hearing a little of what you've been up to these past months. Love the dresses you wore in Vegas - you look gorgeous. And you have a new man in your life...I'm very happy for you. xoxo

  33. Hello Rue,
    You look lovely!
    I have been thinking of you, praying that things were going well.
    Sending Christmas Hugs!!

  34. So happy to see you back! You look wonderful and glad to see you have met someone new! Sometimes life just needs to be lived, and enjoyed and then when you are refreshed, blogging will find its rightful place. So happy for you, and the sweet times you have enjoyed! Hugs to you today dear friend :)

  35. Rue, so glad you are back.Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  36. Rue, so glad you are back.Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  37. Welcome back Rue! Lovely to see a post from you. You look beautiful. Hope you have a very Happy Christmas.

  38. Rue! I was so happy to see a post from you, I think of you often. Your cottage is beautiful as always, and you look so well! I loved all the pictures of you. And the puppies 😁

    2016 was a rough year for me as well, so here's to making 2017 so much better! Happy Holidays Rue!

  39. Well, would you look at what the cat dragged in!!! LoL I am so glad to see you are doing well! Hope to see more posts, soon!

    Grace & Peace,

  40. So glad you are back! It took me a while to find my way back as well! Love all of the photos, the outfits, the new "do", the new beau and everything in between! I hope you are doing well and having a fun time during this holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Love and hugs to you sweet friend! Looking forward to getting caught up!!

  41. I am glad that you are back! I loved catching up on what you've been up to and all of your photos are just lovely! Las vegas sounds like it was just what the doctor ordered and surrounding yourself with friends and family and now someone new is great too!! :)
    Loved the outfits and your new do is perfect, although you look beautiful old way or new way!!
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and 2017!! Hugs, Kimberley

    1. Thank you so much, Kimberley! I hope your 2017is wonderful too :)


  42. It is nice to see your smiles again.
    Annie looks so beautiful.
    Love your outfits for Vegas!!
    Belated happy birthday to both of you fellow November girls!
    Merry Christmas.

  43. I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas Rue. My son is on the way to spend a few days with us, so I'll be busy visiting with him and in the kitchen I'm sure!
    Hope Santa brings you all you wish for this year
    Take care

    1. I'm so glad you had your son there for Christmas :)

      hugs to you,

  44. Replies
    1. Thank you and I hope you're having a wonderful New Year!


  45. Glad you are back! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  46. Good evening Rue, I just wanted to pop by this Christmas evening to say I am over the moon to catch up with you. Your photos are lovely.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Rue.
    With warmest wishes.

  47. So great to have you back life looks sunny in your world now! Great to have found your new post! You are so pretty and love your style from fashion to home keeping! Very Best for 2017 and many more blessings for you! Robin in NYC :)

    1. Awww... thank you, Robin!! I wish you the best this year too!


  48. Rue, it is wonderful to see you again! Looks like life has been incredibly busy for you. Congrats on meeting someone, everyone deserves to be happy. I must say, you are absolutely stunning in the black maxi dress, and the cute hair-do...Wow!

  49. good to see you back, girl. :)

  50. Your sewing machine is very similar to mine.

    Loved catching up with you, and the new hairdo.

  51. Happy New Year, Rue! Somehow I missed this post! You've been on busy gal and looks like you've been having fun. I've missed you. I'm so glad you showed some snaps of your beautiful self! Your really are beautiful. I can't believe Annie is 21!! Time certainly flies by. I'm so glad you've met someone and you know I always wish you the best! Take care my little friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  52. Happy New Year Rue. I haven't been blogging much the past couple of months...and now I have a NEW blog [formerly Jan's Place] - hope you'll visit and follow along. You've been busy on your time away from blogging I see...and even met someone!! Whoopeeee!!!

  53. What a great way to break it all down without making a really long blog. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  54. Yay! You are back! And so nice to see you and your family sharing happy times. You made me smile with the "met someone new" comment. Good for you!

  55. Rue, lovely to see you back! Loved the photos of friends and family and those lovely outfits you wore and your new "do"! I don't think those bangs would work on me, but they look great on you.

  56. nice catching up here Rue. have a happy new year.

  57. December was a busy month, so sorry I missed your post and the chance to wish you happy holidays. It was good to catch up, looks like you've been a busy girl and having a great time. Happy belated to your daughter, sounds like a fun trip! Be well, my friend and Happy New Year to you and your new bangs! Love them!! :)

  58. Hi Rue
    Every now and then I'd check your blog to see if you were back and I was excited to see this post tonight! Happy belated birthday to you and your daughter. Your new hairdo is very cute and so is your new friend. Hope 2017 treats you well! Stay happy!

  59. Hey Rue,
    Your kitchen is so cute! Sorry that your percolator died, but at least you found another one. I enjoyed catching up with your posts and seeing what you've been up to. I'm so happy to hear that life's been treating you well, and that you met someone special. I knew you would. Happy Belated Birthday to you and your Annie! Give that little Bubba a hug from me okay?! He's the cutest little thing... sitting up in the window. Me and him would get along great, I love sunsets too :)

  60. Oh Rue! I am SO behind here!!! Welcome home to Blogland!! I am so glad you are back and you are GORGEOUS!!!! You look happy and at peace and that is so wonderful!!! I can't wait to catch up with you and see all that you have been up to! Please forgive me for being so slow.... I am so so so happy that we have you here again.... I love you!!!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. It means so much to me that you took the time and I read each and every one. If you don't have a blog, look for a response under your comment. I try to get to them within a few days :)

For some reason, the comment box doesn't always show up, so if you want to leave a comment, replying to someone else's comment seems to work. Also, I've had to switch from safari to chrome in order to comment on blogger, so that might be the issue. If not, you can always reach me via email, located on my side bar. Thank you!