
Monday, February 13, 2017

I know, I know

I'm awful.

It's February and I haven't posted since December.

It can be hard getting back on the blogging wagon though.

Not as hard as last time, when I left for a few years, but difficult nonetheless.

I had made a plan to jump right back in, but you know the saying...

"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

In other words, life went topsy turvy right after I promised you I would start blogging more than I had been.

Nothing too bad, but it caused a bit of a delay.

Ah life..... there's always something, isn't there?

I'm not going to let it stop me from doing what I love though.

And I do love this.

The connection with all of you.

The clickety clack of the keyboard as I type out sometimes silly, but mostly heartfelt words.

Funny thing this little world we share. It somehow becomes apart of us, doesn't it?

I know it's that way for me.

No matter how long I leave, I can't seem to give it up ;)

And nor would I want to.

I just miss all of this and you too much.


All the pictures are from Christmas.
Sneaky way to do a catch up post, huh? 


  1. Rue, It is so nice to see a post from you. I was thinking about you the other day and thought maybe I had missed a post somewhere. Nope-guess I didn't. So nice to see a post from you here. I even love the Christmas pictures.

    You are right- blogging is its own little world and blogging connections are like no other. Hope you have a blessed Valentine's Day. Can we expect to see Valentines in your Easter post? (lol-sorry- I couldn't resist)....xo Diana

  2. Hello Rue, I do miss your room with a view, just lovely:). Merry belated Christmas and have a sweet Valentine Day with your love ones!
    Spring will be soon upon us and in your neck of the woods, gorgeous!
    Take care, Kathleen in Az
    p.s. Cookies look scrumptious

    1. Hopefully spring will come soon! I'm awaiting it anxiously this year :)


  3. Hi Rue, nice peeks of your Christmas. Happy Valentine's Day Tomorrow. Hugs.

  4. Hi Rue, I'm the same way.It's nice to hear from you again. I LOVE to see pictures of your beautiful house.How's life treating you these days?

  5. Good to see you here, my dear. Loved the pics!

  6. It's always good to see you pop up in my feed, Rue. Hope to see you there more often. xo

  7. Everything in its own time, Rue. Homemade cookies deserve to be savored, whether the making of them or enjoying the fruits of your labor. I'm just delighted to see another glimpse into your life!

  8. Rue, I am tickled pink to see your post! Love all of your pictures but that window with the little glass birds is just beautiful!

    Grace & Peace,

  9. Missed you, Rue!!!

    I've been a little bit here and there, too, so I thought it was me that missed you. Nevertheless, let's pace ourselves. Blogging friends are always there!

    Jane x

  10. I have missed you Rue and was getting worried about you. I'm so glad you popped back up again. :) Life does happen and we all need to do what works for us and sometimes, that means setting aside things that we love for awhile in order to take care of other things that need our attention. Be blessed and I look forward to catching up. :)

  11. Dear sweet Rue ~ It is so good to see a post from you again, and to know that you are well. The glimpses into your home are lovely as always. Those cookies make me hungry.

    Hope to see you more often, you've been missed.

    Happy Valentine's Day ~ FlowerLady

  12. It's so good to see you back in blogland!! Your home always looks so pretty and Christmas is so special. Your cookies are making me hungry - for breakfast!! I hope you stop by my new blog...Jan's Place is gone and boarded up! Strengthening My Resolve began the 1st of the year!


  13. Yes, pretty sneaky Rue...I love that tablecloth so hard. Reminds me of my late MIL...Nice to see you back, better late thank never!!

  14. Love your photos and love hearing from you. Time just goes so fast - have a blessed day, week, month and year.

  15. Welcome back! I don't leave a lot of comments here, but I do love your blog (and miss it when you're not posting).

  16. I've missed you, Rue. It is so good to see you back again. I hope that life finally gives you a break and that you are able to breathe and smile again...and that you feel connected to us in Blogland. Your blog has always been one of my favorites. Much love and hugs to you.

  17. Hi Rue, You have certainly been missed. So good to see you back and I do understand how it is to make a plan and then make it happen as we would like. I am celebrating 10 years of blogging with posts and a giveaway. It have flown by and so much has changed but what remains in the friendships made and always the inspiration. Lovely photos you shared and the cookies look so delicious.
    Happy Valentine's Day and blessings to you. xoxo

  18. We all have that thing called "life" and yes, it can for sure throw us a few curve balls. Those cookies look delicious! Glad to see you around. You were one of the first people who read and commented on my blog when I first started it. Thank you for doing that Rue ☺

  19. Hi Rue,
    I understand that thing called "life" too.
    Sending a hug! Thank you for sharing your photos with us. I love your home. I enjoy the home sweet home touches you add to life!
    Love, Carla

  20. Well, I thought the pretty dining table with the tulip centerpiece was a Valentine celebration. Just beautiful. (Oh, but looking at it again I see the Christmas tree in the background. Not very observant, I guess.) Nice to see you blogging again. Hugs.

  21. Hi Rue, glad your back! I always enjoy reading your blog. Hope you don't stay away that long again. Milena

  22. SO glad you are back. Life is unpredictable and you never know what's going to happen. Love your Christmas pic's. Looks like some major cookie baking going on. Happy Valentines Day!

  23. Rue! I've missed you, darling, and so glad to see a post from you! I have thought of you often and pray for happiness in your life! Beautiful Christmas snaps and welcome back.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. It is good to know you are still around!

  25. I am blogging less and less. I'm doing lots of things, but I'm not sure any of them are worthy of a blog post.

    Good to know you're okay.

  26. Replies
    1. Thank you, Addie!

      Good to see a comment from you :)


  27. Hi there Rue, so good to see you post something! I've missed your posts. Yes, blogging is wonderful---we learn so much from each other and everyone is forgiving if we take a break for a short while or a long while.....then we can just jump back in and lookie there!---there's our friends waiting for us and welcoming us back with open arms! I have a feeling once you post once or twice---alot of posts are going to just come tumbling out so quickly you can hardly type fast enough! ha ha LOL

  28. So glad that you are making your way back. It does take time to get back into a routine of blogging. I'm still trying to get back into the groove myself! :-) Just when we think we are ready, life throws us another curve ball and we have to go back to the bench for a while. It's okay though...bench sitting promotes creativity and more planning. I love the photos from your holiday! I hope you are doing well...I've missed you! Love and hugs to you!!

  29. Always happy a post from you Rue! Beautiful table setting and those cookies look yummy!
    Have a great day

  30. Lovely post, Rue...always nice to hear from you!

  31. Lovely post and great photographs Rue ...
    I love the vase of flowers on your table.

    I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day

    All the best Jan

  32. I read backward till I got to this post to catch up with you., Rue! Love all I read and saw. The haunted jail gave me the shivers, but the new bottle collection made me smile! Keep blogging!

  33. I have enjoyed your blog so much so far.


    I have been MIA too lately - had some major stuff happen that took the wind out of my sails.

    Enjoyed all your posts, so glad you're ok.

    Following you on blog lovin' now so I (hopefully) don't miss anything now.

    I am just hit or missing on blog reading these days, nursing a broken toe, a brother who just had a stroke - big stuff.

    Glad to see you back - and ML did a wonderful write up on you. She is awesome, too.

    Pics of my sweet little grand daughter on my last post, if you get the chance to stop by - easy read, all I could muster up to share. Hugs. ♥


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. It means so much to me that you took the time and I read each and every one. If you don't have a blog, look for a response under your comment. I try to get to them within a few days :)

For some reason, the comment box doesn't always show up, so if you want to leave a comment, replying to someone else's comment seems to work. Also, I've had to switch from safari to chrome in order to comment on blogger, so that might be the issue. If not, you can always reach me via email, located on my side bar. Thank you!