Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I've noticed that not everyone that reads my blog leaves a comment.

Which is completely fine.

I promise :)

But naturally, I wonder about my readers.

Wouldn't you?

So, if you've left a comment before or not, I'd love it if you would tell me who you are and where you're from.

Maybe a little about yourself too?

I promise, I won't bite ;)

If not, that's okay.

I understand.

It's just me being curious.



  1. Hi! I'm Laura from Summerville SC. Love your blog!

    1. I have a friend that moved to Summerville last year. We actually visited them there in June.

  2. I read the stats on blog comments a few years ago and it said that in general, only 10% of your those that read your blog will comment on your blog, You can look at your hits and see if this is true for you, but I found it to be kind of accurate on my previous blog when I had a large following. I am Diane and I am from a lot of places, but live in Virginia right now.

    1. I honestly just wanted to know a little bit about my readers :)


  3. I've noticed the same thing. I always try to leave comments because it just seems like the right thing to do. I have noticed that if I'm using my hubby's Ipad it's not easy to do and so I don't. I bet that applies to a lot of people. :)

    1. I don't mind if people comment once in awhile, all the time, or not at all. I'm just happy that people are interested in what I have to say :)


  4. Oh I would be super excited if I had 10% of people (see above) eave a comment. I'd die of shock. Haha. Well maybe not but wow would I be amazing, it won't happen. It just won't, and that's ok by me. My little following means the world to me.
    I adore those who do visit regularly, and actually consider them real friends!

    What gets me is literally visiting and leaving a comment on some blogs for YEARS - every single post - and not one time do they visit me or comment. I kinda just stop going, figuring it makes me feel a little bad and life is too short when there are so many wonderful visitors to visit. I do say, however my pc blog reading time goes in spurts so more often then not I go a while then hit the readn' and writin' to catch up.

    I wish there were more time in a day. : - )

    Michele, Columbus OH home of The Ohio State University Buckeyes! lol


    1. I'm with Michele...I only follow bloggers who will return the favor, at least reasonably often. It's just a mutual thing for me, not a one-sided thing....with blogging. :)

      so California Kailani. I hate the term Cali for the state. ;)

    2. I know what you mean, Michele. There's a few bloggers out there that never comment back, but I know they comment elsewhere. I sometimes wonder if I upset them somehow, if they just plain don't like me or if they think I'm a weirdo (lol), but you're right... life is too short to worry about it, so I rarely comment on those blogs. I figure that I'm just annoying them if I do, but I still read them though ;)


    3. I'm Carol from California and like Kailani, whose comment was one of the first in this long list, I don't like the nickname of Cali for our state.

      I used to leave a comment on almost every post of every blog I read, but carpal tunnel surgery that did not seem to work has left me with a weak right hand and so I don't comment as frequently as I used to.

    4. I don't like the name Cali for my birth state either! I thought I was the only one.

      I always appreciate your visits Carol, so thank you :)


  5. Rue,
    It is me Jemma-living the life In Texas with family and friends and building our French Country Home!

    1. I'm so excited for you, Jemma! I can't wait to see that new home of yours :)


  6. It's me, Gollum-mLee, from Tennessee. :-) Sometimes I am typing a comment on a blog, and I get pulled away. I just about always, I lose my train of thought and my place. Very frustrating.

    1. And see? I got distracted by a wallop of thunder and wrote gibberish. I meant to say that when I get pulled away, I lose my place and momentum.

    2. I can totally understand that Michael! Sometimes, I go to comment on a post and the phone rings or something needs my attention and I forget my train of thought as well.

      Stay safe during those storms, my friend!


  7. Hi Rue -
    I am Laura from Maine. I read your other blog, not sure how I found this one. So glad I did because I missed your posts about your home, your town and now get to visit your new home. Sort of traveling without leaving my home. I also love to see and hear about your pups!

    1. Hi Laura! I'm so glad you found me again and I'm glad you enjoy my new blog :)


  8. Hi Rue - I am Patty from Southern California.. I live in a 1954 small cottage in a suburb. I am so glad I found your new blog because I loved you from your old one. Thank you for visiting me as well.

    1. I didn't realize your cottage was built in 1954, Patty. How neat!

      I'm glad you found me again too :)


  9. I read your blog most of the time, but I don't always have time in my day to view or comment. My laptop is so slow that it would take me hours to leave comments on all the blogs I peruse. A new laptop is in order SOON! You've "met" me, Vickie from northern MN, and I truly enjoy reading your blog and looking at photos of your charming home. It's fun to look at homes of those with unlimited funds for decorating, but I prefer to see a more down to earth way of life, which I find here.

    *No central air in our home either. Although it doesn't get into the 90's very often, we suffer from extreme humidity when the temps go up and I'm willing to put up with ugly old window units for my sanity.

    Thanks for a dose of charm with every post, Rue!

    1. Yep, I sure have "met" you ;)

      I know exactly what you mean about that humidity. Ohio was much the same way. They say it's a "dry heat" here, but hot is hot LOL

      Thank you, Vickie :)


  10. Well, you sure know me! When I visit a blog, unless I just can't think of a thing to say, I comment. And how often do you think I am actually at a loss for words? Not often. The comment above was right. I've read the same thing. You'll have far more readers than comments.

    1. Of course! You're one of oldest and dearest blogging friends, Brenda :)

      Sometimes, I can't think of anything to say either, so I get it.


  11. you REALLY want to know more about me??!! ;-)

  12. Hi Rue! You know me - I read your blog. I'm a recent Texan who has moved the upstate New York to be by my little grandchildren. I'm getting pretty old, I'm 63, and am still working on my new/old house. Maybe one day I'll get organized. I love your blog.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Yes, yes I do sweet friend. I've known you since the olden RMS days :)

      You're not old, Shelia! You're younger than my mom ;)

      Love you!

  13. I'm Mimi and I live in beautiful western Nebraska. I'm mom to two young adults and two cats, mother-in-law to a terrific young man, and reading teacher to many junior high students. Thanks for your visits and sweet comments, too, Rue. :-)

    1. Thank you for your sweet comments too, my friend :)


  14. I am Pam, aka Mrs. G, and I live in Tulsa, OK. I love your blog and try to leave a comment every time I visit. Sometimes, I don't because I am on my phone and it is a royal pain to leave comments.

    Grace & Peace

    1. I've heard that. I don't use my phone for blogging, because my eyesight is truly awful. I'm one of those people that hold the phone at arms length to read it LOL


  15. Hi Rue,
    I believe I've only posted on a blog once or twice, but since you asked... :) If you were my neighbor, I'd love to have you over for a cup of coffee. Thank you for your blog - you and your home are a comfortable place to visit. I do enjoy your blog!

    1. Hi Penny! I'm so glad you left a comment this time and thank you so much for your sweet words :)

      I'd love to have coffee with you too!


  16. Hi Rue...I'm Donnamae...and I live in south central Wisconsin. I'm sorry I don't always comment...but I do always read your blog. I get it via it's always a day late. I just happened upon today's posting by accident. It's simply a matter of time. Now, being retired, you'd think I'd have lots of time. But hubby and I are busy...and it seems to take us three times as long to do things as it used to! ;)

    1. No need to be sorry, Donnamae! I'm always happy to see your sweet words when you have the time though :)

      Thank you for telling me a bit more about yourself!


  17. Hey Rue, I'm Judy from Montgomery, Alabama, the Heart of Dixie! I'm so glad I found your new blog b/c I loved your old one too! I'm guilty of not always commenting but I always enjoy your blog.

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. No need to feel guilty, Judy! I'm always happy to see your name pop up when you have time :)


  18. Hi Rue, my name is Kathleen from the great state of Arizona! Hotter than Haiti in the summer, 112 today. I comment for the most part on blogs I read and I love reading the comments on the blogs too. All I know is that the past few years reading blogs from wonderful inspiring women all over the country and other countries has been a joy. Please bloggers, keep on posting! Kathleen in Az
    P.s. thank goodness for portable ac!

    1. Hi Kathleen :)

      I always love hearing from you and I'm glad you enjoy visiting me. And yes, thank goodness for ac!


  19. Hi Rue,
    I found your blog via Brenda @ Cozy Little House and try to leave comments when I can. My life has gotten so busy helping take care of my Grands that sometimes I read and run! I'll try to do better! I live in Athens, GA!


    1. I'm always happy to hear from you, Linda! No worries.... grandkids are much more important :)


  20. Hi Rue, I'll be up next weekend. They moved my grandparents to an assisted living, and my grandmother isn't too happy about that, so I'll be taking her out vintage shopping to cheer her up. Thank you for the recommendations. I am so glad to have you as a blogging friend, and reading your sweet comments! I'm with Michael Lee, I sit down, get ready to comment, and then get pulled away, and with this week being back to school, this is the first night I can sit down, now that the kids are just about settled in.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents going into assisted living. I hope your shopping trip helps your grandmother cheer up. That's got to be hard...

      I'm glad to have you as a blogging friend too :)


  21. I wonder about my readers all the time! LOL!!! And so you don't wonder about me again...I'm from Michigan...the southeast corner of the state. I'm "MOM" to 3 small PuppyKids...the Daughter of the King, Saved, Baptized and loving life. I've lost 49# in four months. Hugs, Jan

  22. oOOOKAY....EXPLANATION- I Often leave a comment..sometimes if the blogger has a 'zillion" comments already I think: "She will never get around to all of us". I Try.:)

    I live in Alabama w Georgia roots and learning to live alone for the past two years after 54 plus years w my love. I've been a blogger since 2008 -still with so much to learn but it's a very real part of my life. I THINK I found you by way of stringtownhome blog. I shall return.

    1. Hi Jonell!

      I promise that no matter how many comments I get, I read every single one and if you're a blogger I comment back as often as I can :) For those that don't have a blog, I go back through my posts once or twice a week and comment back to their comment. I want everyone to feel appreciated :)

      Anyway, I'm so glad you commented this time, because I love your home! That stove of yours made my heart pitter-patter with joy. I added you to my blogroll and I'll be visiting you soon and leaving a comment :)


  23. Hi Rue! I'm Carlee, from central Illinois. I find that bloggers are more likely to comment than non-bloggers. That is except for my mom. She doesn't technically have a blog though she contributes a lot of content to mine. She comments (at least on my blog!)

    If one of my posts gets shared by one of the "big bloggers" on Facebook or something my pageviews for that post will skyrocket, but I will get almost no comments. If people are coming over from blog parties they are more likely to comment.

    Personally, if it is a blog I read regularly, I don't always comment unless I am really moved to. I figure nobody needs to hear from me everyday! ;-) If it is somebody I am finding for the first time and really like what I saw, I try to comment. With so many things to do in a day and so little time, it is hard to comment on everything I read.

    1. Hi Carlee :)

      I love that you share your family recipes and your mom, Mimi is a wonderful contributor.

      You don't need to comment every time, but I do love hearing from you when you have the time. I totally understand how busy you are :)


  24. I am from the little town of Granville, Ohio. You have visited my blog and I appreciate every time you leave a message. I enjoy reading about your vintage style life.

    1. I appreciate it every time you leave a comment too, Debby. You're always so sweet :)

      I know where Granville is too!


  25. I'm here! I'm here! I'm saying hello!

    1. I can totally see you waving your hands around LOL

      Hi Kim ;)


  26. A reader from Arlington, Texas. Found you via Brenda @ Cozy Little House also. Love your sense of personal style and the way you truly embrace it! I'm not a cookie cutter chick myself and love reading blogs about others' who follow their own style. Keep up the fabulous reading!

    1. Hi Brenda! Thank you so much for leaving such a sweet comment. It's nice to "meet" you :)


  27. Rue, this is really sweet, your posts and the comments. You gave a nice welcome and showed readers that you really do care about them and would like to get to know them. This is the kind of post that makes blogging so much fun. The big style blogs are fun, I love to read them, but this is the kind of blogging community I'm so tickled to be a part of.

    You're a peach!


    1. You're a peach too, Dewena ;)

      You know, even if I was a "big blogger", which will probably never happen, I'd still want to connect to my readers. It's important for me and it's in my nature to make people feel welcome. Just as I would if they were a guest in my home :)


  28. Just found your blog a few days ago and have enjoyed reading through your posts. Lovely blog! I'm a big fan of old movies, classic tv and old radio shows, so really enjoyed your "vintage" series (I like anything vintage!). I'm in Canada, near Toronto, Ontario.

    1. Hi Sandra and thank you so much! You have a lovely blog too and I'll be visiting you soon :)


  29. I'm in N. Central TX and found you through Cozy Little House. I just love your home and style and your chatty posts!

  30. Hi Rue! Very few of my visitors comment...guess they just stop by to see what's up! I love visiting your blog, but admit I don't always comment either, if I don't have anything to add to the conversation. I just enjoy reading what you have to say! I am from Minnesota, but lived all over as a girl, as my dad was in the Air Force...including 3-1/2 years in Japan and 4 years in SC and Savannah GA. There is still a lot of Southern girl in this Minnesota woman...

    1. Thank you for your dad's service, Linda :)

      There's a lot of Southern girl in me too and I'm not even from there lol

      I know everyone can't comment all the time, but I appreciate when they do and I love to hear from you when you have the time :)


  31. Hi, it's me from Tempe! Have been a follower for a few months now and I think the best word to describe your blog is..."enchanting." I love that word. That and "serendipity." Anyway, I'm still looking to move north and enjoy some cooler weather. Thank you for the music selections. They're simply heartwarming.

    1. Hi Maria from Tempe! What a sweet thing to say... I love those words too ;)

      I hope you're staying cool in the heat this summer, at least until you can make the move up here :)


  32. I read your old blog and really missed it. So glad you are blogging again. My poor little blog gets neglected - I try to post but I get side-tracked and the day gets away from me. I'm still in Texas but we are in the Houston area now.

  33. I only found you recently and always read your posts, but only sometimes comment. I love all things old fashioned and love your home and style. I am 50 years old and live in Salt Lake City's urban sprawl in a condo, although I long to live in either a very large city or a very small town. Married and divorced twice with no desire to try a third time, I have two great kids, one new granddaughter, one cat (named Bubba!) and for the most part am enjoying this simple life I live.

    1. I'm always happy to hear from you when you have the time, Melodee :)

      Your grand baby is precious!


  34. Hello Rue!!!
    I'm Addie from the Bay Area in California!!! I don't have a blog but do read a few. Sometimes I comment...when time permits or it really hits home. I like your blog because I live in an old fashioned world also. I just love the vintage stuff better but I don't dress that way and I do like a self defrosting refrigerator!!! I love the old music too. I also like the old values I was raised with. Use it up and wear it out!!! There's too much waste today.
    So, it is always a pleasure to read what your up to. I don't know how I found your blog and never was part of the first one.
    Have a good week.

    1. Hi Addie!

      I always enjoy hearing from you and I could tell you shared a lot of the same ideals with me. However you found me, I'm glad you did :)


  35. I have wondered the same about my readers too! I am Amy, from England and I guess that you already know a bit about me from reading my blog! xx

  36. Hi Rue! I don't have a blog but I sure enjoy reading yours! I hail from Long Island NY.

    1. Hi Mary! I'm so glad you enjoy it. It's nice to "meet" you :)


  37. I leave comments most of the time....but not all. OR I might be catching up on a 3 posts, comment on one, that sort of thing.

    1. Hi Deb :)

      I sometimes read several posts and just comment on one. Usually if I'm in a time crunch or if I haven't been by for a long while. I don't want to fill up everyone's inbox ;)


  38. Good Morning Rue,
    I am Lady Locust in the blog world. I live in very rural Oregon and have the same bird bath you do. As far as commenting, like in a conversation with a good friend, sometimes silence is an okay thing - doesn't mean we're not listening:) Somethings spark a response and somethings need to be pondered.
    Keep you well and have a lovely day.

    1. You have the same birdbath?! What a coincidence! I'm sure your birds love it as much as mine do :)

      "Somethings spark a response and somethings need to be pondered".... I like that!


  39. I'm Arden from Central Ohio. I'm a 48 yo mom to a bunch of kids ages 7 to 23. I live in a house built in 1962 and that is what started me thinking about age appropriate decorating for this old girl. Our neighborhood isn't fancy or the "in" place to live right now but it's almost paid off, my neighbors don't chew my a## about my clothesline and I love every inch of this place.

    1. 7 to 23?! I'm so happy you take the time to comment, since you must be really busy!

      LOL about the clothesline! I have one that needs to be put up, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Hopefully soon :)


  40. My name is Delaine, and I live in central Florida with my husband. I have two sons 37 and 33. We are semi retired and love spending time with family (especially our two red headed grandchildren 7 & 8). I really enjoy your blog...thanks for sharing yourself with us!

    1. Hi Delaine! Thank YOU for commenting and telling me a little about yourself :)


  41. Hi Rue,
    I don't remember exactly how I found your blog, but I do love reading it. I'm a recently retired teacher from Southern California. I love that a younger person such as yourself could be so enamored of design and lifestyle from yesteryear. I live in a 1950's ranch style neighborhood, and try to decorate more or less in keeping with the vintage of the house. Your home reminds me a little of the my grandma's. It's so charming and your care and love for it are inspiring. LuAnn

    1. Awww.... thank you, LuAnn! I'm glad my love for this old home shows and I'm happy that you visit me here :)


  42. Hi Rue-my name is Darrielle and I live in CA and have the blog DDs Cottage and Design and I very much enjoy reading your blog. I am a Special Ed. Teacher for a virtual school, love Crossfit, love painting furniture and going junkin', becoming obsessed with IS, coach Volleyball, love reading, and love my husband and daughter!

    1. I didn't know all that about you, Darrielle! Thank you for sharing with me :)


  43. Oh Rue, I do so love your choice of topics!!!!!!! -clapping hands-

    My blog... I get an average of 40 Unique Visits a day. But my number of comments are only in the teens. Which is more than they used to be, and I am thrilled. But...... If an average of 40 people stop by, and only about 15 leave a comment, that leaves an awful lot of lurkers. An awful lot!!!!

    And I admit, it irritates me, at times. It feels to me, as if I am performing on stage, and I can't see the audience, because they are in the dark. And when I finish performing (doing a posting), a few people clap. But I know very well, that a lot of people (out there in the theater, watching) are sitting on their hands. -pout-

    Hooray for you, getting some of your lurkers to speak up!!!!!!


    1. You know, I sometimes wondered if the people that read my blog are coming by to see a freak show... HA!

      Now, after reading these comments, I realize that most of them are just liked minded people or they have fond memories of the past and enjoy reading about things that remind them of it. That makes me happy :)

      You should try it yourself! You never know... one or two of them might speak up ;)


  44. Hey's me, Penny from The Comforts of Home....You have known me for years as I bought, fixed up and sold several homes. I see you are replying to everyone one here, which is really nice, but do the commenters see the reply? Is there some special way that they do with out coming back to this post?

    1. Yes, I have Penny and you're one of my dearest blogging friends :)

      I rarely respond to every single comment on a post, but since this one was so different and people were so nice to say hello, I thought I'd say hi back. Usually I just comment back to those that don't have a blog. In my next post, Ill let everyone know that I responded :) If there's another way to do it, I wouldn't know. I'm not tech savvy at all lol


  45. I get many visitors but few comment.
    People sometimes feel they have nothing to say or add. It is fine.
    I blog as a kind of journal of my life-- something to leave my children and friends.

    1. Hi Annie :)

      I think your blog is so calm, serene, and lovely that they don't want to disturb the peaceful feeling they leave with after they visit you. There are times when I used to visit you that I wouldn't say anything, because of that, but that could just be because I'm weird ;)

      I'm so glad I found you again, my friend!


  46. Hi Rue. I recently found you again because of my sister Sharon from (Rose of Sharon Garden) and I just now passed your link onto Robin at (Bitter Sweet Pumpkin). We are all excited that you are back. We are coming back too! I live in Oregon in a farm house built in 1913. Our barn was built in 1881. I have not shown very many photos of my home because I have not done a whole lot to it yet. As times goes by maybe I will do does remodeling and sharing. Our home has always been loved, so even though it is over 100 yrs. old, it has always been loved. I am like a lot of the above people, I read your blog, but I sometimes shy away from comments for lack of time or fear that I don't know the right thing to say, or that everyone else said what was needed to say. I love blogging for the connection I have with other bloggers, the ideas to give and receive, and for the therapy I feel when I share my heart and thoughts. Sometimes I'm afraid I will come across as a crazy lady (lol), for the things I share. I'm so glad you are back, Rue, and that so many of us are coming back. Kathi

    1. Hi Kathi :)

      I would love to see more pictures of your home. You know how much I love old houses ;)

      Don't ever be embarrassed to write a comment on my blog. If anyone said something rude I wouldn't put up with it. This is a drama free zone. If you ever wan to talk privately though, you can always email me at: And I don't think you come across as a crazy lady at all! You've always been an absolute sweetheart :)

      I'm glad I came back too, my friend.


  47. Visiting via Imagery by Kimberly-Daisy Cottage.... first time !! Already toured your former "Restored" home ( What a beauty) and now about to "Tour" your present Blog / Home!!! thank you for sharing!!!

    1. Hi Terri!

      If you've read a few posts of mine, you can tell how much I love Kim ;)

      Thank you for the sweet comment!


  48. Hi Rue,

    I have left comments and love your blog.

    I am Barb and I live in Florida on a lake. We have lived in our home for 36 years this Christmas. I am blessed beyond words to be married to the love of my life. We live with our adorable dogs...two of them and our cat. We love to spend time just loving life and being grateful.

    I adore your old fashioned refreshing.


    1. Hi there, Barb :)

      36 years... how wonderful to be in a home that long. Loving life and being grateful sounds like a beautiful way to live and I'm so happy for you :)

      Thank you, my friend!


  49. I so enjoy visiting your blog but must admit I don't always comment. I live at the Jersey Shore, an empty nester, our youngest just graduated from Penn State University and is now working in PA. I love vintage everything, especially kitchen stuff, enjoy gardening and stitching. I love to paint, both acrylics and watercolor, but really enjoy working in graphite. I have been following your blog way back when you posted under Rue's Peanut Butter and Jelly Life. If you link back to my blog you will see I seldom post anymore, I keep meaning to but haven't found my rhythm yet.

    1. Congratulations on your youngest sons accomplishments!

      I actually look to see if you've posted every time you comment. Maybe you could share your art? It sounds fascinating :)

      I'm glad you found me again.


  50. Well, you kinda know more about me than you care to, but here goes...

    Former New Yawker now living amongst the bears and moose in western Mass. with my hubby of 33 years. We have one married daughter who lives in Singapore, and I have a step-son who has two boys, 5 and 12 who live in NY. That just about covers our ENTIRE family.

    Been blogging for a little over three years. Started out with a friend, but when she posted an 'after' with a recycling bin filled with junk, I figured it was time to say adios. ;)

    I'm 61, but unlike some people my age, I don't think I'm old. In fact, I'm just getting warmed up!

    1. Yes, I knew all of that about you except that part about your friend LOL and that you're 61... or maybe I did, but you look so much younger that I must have forgotten if you've mentioned it.

      You always make me laugh, Doreen :)


  51. I am Wendy from Michigan. I read your blog every time. I don't comment a lot, I tend not to be real wordy or else too wordy.I am 58 and a retired (health reasons) nurse.

    1. Hi Wendy!

      Wordy or not, I appreciate you leaving a comment :)


  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Hi Rue, My name is Michelle. I am 51 and live in Northern California. I am married, have 2 grown daughters and also am a grandma! I live in a 1920s bungalow and have many home projects going at all times. I also love to cross stitch, watch movies and spend time with family and friends. I used to be a blogger, now I just enjoy visiting blogs!

    Have a wonderful rest of your week!


    1. Hi Michelle!

      Well, I wish you still blogged, because I'd like to see that house of yours ;)

      Congratulations on being a grandma! My mom told me it's much better than being a mother lol

      I hope you enjoy your weekend :)


  54. I am Susan from West Texas. I do have central air conditioning, thank goodness, since it is 104* today. I love your home and your blog. I consider myself old-fashioned also. Give me Glenn Miller any day!

    1. Hi Susan :)

      I wouldn't be able to live in Texas without air-conditioning either!

      Thank you for the sweet comment. I'll see what I can do about posting more Glenn Miller ;)


  55. Hi, I'm Joyce from Abbottstown, PA --near Gettysburg. I enjoy reading your blog. I don't often comment on the blogs I read, but do not like the term "lurker". It makes me feel like a peeping tom. If it's comments bloggers write for, then I suppose I misunderstood their purpose for blogging. I'll try to do better, though I do comment when something is especially meaningful or beautiful to me. Love your blog.

    1. Hi Joyce :)

      I've always wanted to visit Gettysburg and with I would have when I lived on that side of the country. Maybe one day.

      I don't write for comments, but I write to connect with like minded people (and for a creative outlet), which usually comes from the back and forth of commenting. Don't ever feel pressured to leave one. If anyone, including yourself, wants to just read, enjoy and go on about their day, it's perfectly fine with me. I promise! I'm really glad you took the time to say hello though :)

      And thank you!



  56. Hi Rue, I always read your posts. But, I don't always comment. I love your style! Your blog is so down to earth, it's a joy. I am from western Wisconsin.. Keep up the good work!

    1. Awww.... thank you, Kaylene! I appreciate your sweet words and that you left a comment this time to introduce yourself. Nice to "meet" you :)


  57. HI, Rue! I'm Chris from Wisconsin (just outside of Madison). I'm retired and we have 2 grown married kids. My husband is a retired music teacher who still subs and is also a church organist/choir director. We live in the house his parents built in 1938. It was made of logs and put together with bits and bobs as they went along. They sided the house in the 1970's and we bought it in the mid 1980's when they moved into a small apt. Many older people in town still call our house the old log cabin. I love gardening, so this is my favorite time of year. My hubs is also currently restoring a 1970 VW Bug. Retirement is outstanding, and I recommend it to everyone!!!! :-)

    1. Hi Chris!

      I'm so glad you told me about yourself. I was curious about you after reading some of your comments before. Now I'm fascinated! It sounds like a wonderful life and I'd love to see that home and garden of yours ;)


  58. hi rue!
    i hang out here a lot now and always have to comment. it's like... "hello! my name is tammy j and i'm a talkaholic!" LOL.
    i just love your blog. and your life.
    i think you're an original. and we need more of those.
    you embody all the best that's in our wonderful memories of days we loved. YOU live it still. and it's just lovely.
    my stats show an average of about 500 people a day ... from many different countries. it's all very interesting.
    it doesn't count the robots. :)
    but even at that... only about 15 or so people comment each post. i love to respond to each comment too... so i'm actually glad only that many comment! i know blogs that have almost 100 comments each time. i can't even imagine that.
    i'm the 107th on this post right here with you! but i've enjoyed reading these comments. aren't people here wonderful!
    you are loved dear bean.

    1. Hello Tammy the talkoholic! LOL You're so funny! I always love to hear from you and visiting you on your blog. You're a great writer :)

      Oh and darlin', you're not the 107th person to comment. It's just because I've answered all the comments on this post! I would say that you're actually the 54th, but I'm not a math person lol

      Yes, these people really are wonderful. You included :)


  59. Love your blog and the photo of your tree through the arch. I was born in Germany, lived in New York most of my life on Long Island. Now for the past 20 years I moved to Omaha, NE and live in the Midwest atmosphere. I can afford theater, museums and we have lots of CA transplants. I am retired and I use to travel lots but that has dwindled, I love being home - I feel safe and happy. I use to visit CA (Valencia) but family moved to Seattle.

    1. I had a feeling you were from Germany, Gisela! You know... I'm half German ;)

      It's so nice to learn more about you! Thank you, my friend.


  60. Hi Rue,
    I'm Erica from Newtown CT. I'm a wife and mom to 2 teenage and 1 almost teenage girls. I love your blog and always look forward to every post!

    1. Hi Erica from Newton! Thank you for leaving a comment and for your very sweet words :)


  61. Hi Rue,
    I'm Kristy from Pensacola, FL, but recently moved to Douglasville, GA. I'm a married homemaker with a 21 year old daughter about to start grad school, and an 18 year old son about to start his freshman year of college. I am a long time follower and am so glad you are blogging again!

    1. Hi Kristy :)

      Thank you for telling me a little bit about yourself. Your kids are just a year or two younger than mine.

      I'm so glad you found me again!


  62. Rue, thanks so much for your kind comments about Tiger. I hope you have a beautiful weekend :)

    1. I hope you have a beautiful weekend too, my friend :)


  63. I'm in my mid-fifties, married with three adult children and one grandson. I was laid off from Honeywell a few years ago (when they moved my job to India - grrrrrr), and as my husband is older than I and had already retired, I did not look for another job and we are watching our grandson together instead and learning to live on a lot less. (Blogs are great for that!)

    I grew up in Parma, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, but have lived in the Glendale/Peoria area of Phoenix for 30 plus years. I am addicted to houses and decorating and love historic homes, especially cottagey ones such as yours.

    I'm the woman who loved going trick-or-treating with her kids so I could peak inside the neighborhood homes to see how they were decorated, so decorating blogs are one of the best things that ever happened! I don't often leave comments because I read so many blogs.

    I do really enjoy your blog. It's one of my must reads as you are a very interesting person, and I mean that in a very nice way, not a snide way, and I love, love, love your home. I'm jealous you get to live in a historic home in Arizona. There are so few of them in our beautiful state.

    I love that you have found what makes you happy in living the vintage life and you have embraced it.

    P.S. Probably T.M.I. This is why I don't leave many comments. They always turn into novels. I don't know how to be short and sweet.

    1. Joanie, you're more than welcome to write a novel whenever you comment. I so enjoyed this one :)

      Watching your grandson together must be an absolute joy and a lot of fun. And yes, blogs are great for that.

      I used to love going trick or treating with my kids for that same reason! I look forward to having my own grandkids one day so I can do it again ;)

      I was amazed I found an old house myself. My mother would love to live in one, but sadly, there's only tract homes in her area (Anthem) and the old ones are nowhere near my brother and his little ones.

      Anyway, it's so nice to "meet" another Arizonian :)

      And thank you for your sweet comment!


  64. Hey, is it too late to join in? I'm Jan, a 64 year old newly wed, I lost my husband four years ago, and remarried last year. I feel like a bride. I have three sons and a daughter and two grandsons (the youngest is 5 months old!). He has two sons and a daughter and 4 grand children. I always wanted a big family!

    I'm retired and loving it, my husband still works part time for a company in Texas (we're in PA) via his home office. He's director of business development...and I'm not sure what that means, lol. I spend my days quilting, photographing and spoiling my Corgi puppy, Shirley.

    Summer is my favorite season. My kids and I have a camp on the river about an hour from here. We spend most weekends boating, kayaking and swimming...and when we are exhausted, just hanging out on the deck. I also spend most of the year getting ready for my favorite holiday, Christmas. Every year I make a gift for each member of my family, this year it's lap quilts and matching hats that I knit.

    I'm a born again, forgiven and redeemed Christian.

    Nice meeting you,

    1. Of course it's not too late, Jan!

      I'm so sorry about the loss of your husband, but so glad that you found happiness again and you got the big family that you've always wanted.

      My son's favorite dogs are Corgis and he finally got one about a year ago. They live in California now.

      I wouldn't mind Summer if I had a vacation home somewhere like that, either. It sounds absolutely lovely and so much fun!

      Christmas is my favorite holiday too ;)

      It's very nice to "meet" you as well. I see you have a blog, so I'll be visiting soon.


  65. Hi Dawn!

    Well, I certainly appreciate you commenting this time :)

    It sounds like a beautiful life. And the Sims? I used to play that all the time too, but I just wanted to build the houses lol

    Thank you for stoping by :)


  66. Sometimes I comment, others I don't. It's usually due to a time constraint if I don't - I just have enough time to read, and it usually perks me up, then have to leave for work or run an errand.
    I think the first time I read your blog Annie was very young, and I remember later when you moved, the dresser in the kitchen with the fabric on the back - loved that! I think I even posted a question on how to attach... And yes, you answered.. :)

    1. Hi Mimi :)

      I love hearing from you whenever you have the time and completely understand when you don't :)

      Yes, Annie was around 10 or 11 when I started the last blog. I can't believe she's 19! And that dresser island... I loved it too :)


  67. Hi Rue, I'm Deborah, I just recently found you through Dewena. I've already introduced myself, but here's a little more info: I live in Michigan, have three grown children, have been married 34 years. I love your old-fashioned blog, and I must tell you: inspired by you, I recently bought a 1950s toaster at our antique mall. We needed a new one, and I had just been reading how you use your vintage things. And we all know they were made better back then, right? It works great! And so much fun to use. Right now I'm bidding on an old wind-up alarm clock on eBay. :)
    Before I was a blogger, I was too shy to leave comments. Now, if I read a post, I always leave a comment, because I know how much I appreciate them myself.

    1. Hi Deborah :)

      I'm so thrilled I inspired you! I hope that toaster toasts for many years to come and I hope you get that clock.

      I'm shy myself when commenting for the first time, if you can believe that lol I'm so glad to hear more about you :)


  68. Got sidetracked to go eat dinner and now I'm back.

    Live in So Cal in the mountains, mom to four grown sons and nine grandkids who we had a lot of hands on caring for when some were babies - son in Washington now, one son in Bend and two others in So Cal. Worked as a medical transcriptionist for 35 years mainly orthopedics and ER transcription. Married eee gads 44 sometimes it shocks me to realize how long. We are both retired and love to go to the central coast and San Francisco etc.

    Nothing much more to say other than I love to draw, sketch, paint and have learned a lot of digital painting techniques. We like to walk, hike and my husband is the main cook in the family. So that's about it.

    1. Wow.. congratulations on 44 years!!

      It sounds like you've lived and are living a pretty full life to me and that's fantastic :)


  69. Rue, I've tried to leave comments on blogs and when I hit the publish button it takes me to a sign in page and then my comment disappears and I have to start over. I usually just forget it, but I'm slowly learning how to do it right. LOL I'm Sandy Hunt. I live in Milwaukie, Oregon. I am widowed and I have six adult children (some live with me). I have four pug dogs and they take up what time my kids and grandkids don't. I love your posts and your musings and your sweet welcoming home. I'll be back. Sandy

    1. I'm sorry about the disappearing comments. I've actually had that happen to me, so I totally understand.

      Four pugs... how cute!

      Thank you for your sweet comment and for visiting my little place here on the internets :)


  70. Now, THAT, is a lot of comments. My name is Ginene and I run an antique shop in Richmond, IL. I started following your blog because I could see we have a lot in common and I find it interesting and lively. I am super busy (like everyone else, right?) but I try to leave comments and I appreciate all those people (like you!) who say something when you visit my blog. It is a great way to make friends.

    1. LOL! Hi Ginene :)

      Thank you for your sweet words and also for visiting. I agree that it's a great way to make friends :)


  71. Hey there Rue! I'm fashionably late, of course. Just wanted to pop in for a quick hello. :)

  72. Hi there! This is Whitney from Northeast Florida. My husband and I live on 2 acres with our five kiddos, 1 horse, 3 dogs, 1 cat, a coop of chickens, and a couple of rabbits. I am a stay at home/homeschool mom. I love popping in on my favorite blogs when I have a few min about once a week or so. I saw your link at cozy little house and came over to check out your blog and loved it - so I added you to my favorites. I don't normally comment on the blogs I visit because its usually a quick visit, but I understand your curiosity of who is visiting your I wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I am an old fashioned girl, too, so I enjoy your blog. I love blogs that post about decorating, country living, and recipes. I do not have a blog...maybe someday.

    1. Hi Whitney!

      With all those wonderful animals, a husband, and homeschooling 5 kids, it's no wonder you don't often leave comments! I really appreciate that you did this time :)

      I hope one day you do start a blog. I'd love to read it.


  73. Hi Rue, I'm Cheryl from mid-Missouri. Sorry this is late but I wanted to introduce myself, too. I've been married 44 years and have 2 children and too many furbabies. lol! We rescue kittens and they end up staying with us. I started reading your last blog just before you left it and not long ago found this one. I've always enjoyed your decorating style and love your new home. My home is a '60 ranch style house complete with a bomb shelter in the basement. It's needing a little TLC inside but we've been spending most of our time and dollars lately on a fixer-upper that we will rent to our daughter who currently lives with us. While I don't blog a lot about decorating, I love to read and gather ideas for my own house. My blog is sort of an online journal, but I'm down to about 2 posts a week since it's been such a busy summer. My interests are many, but aside from my family my main loves are nature, reading, flea-marketing, and taking photos. I agree with what the post said above about wanting to know who's visiting your blog. I have many more visitors than comments, but then I remember I often read and run, too. Just lack of time is my excuse. Now, I'm going to sign up as a follower and put your blog on my sidebar. Nice to meet you and I'll be back again!

    1. Hi Cheryl!

      Is there such a thing as too many fur babies? ;)

      A bomb shelter in a 1960s ranch house? Wow!! That's really neat! Thank you for sharing so much about yourself. I really appreciate it.

      I added you to my blogroll too and I'll visit soon :)


  74. Hi Rue, I am from the little state of Rhode Island here in New England. I am the wife of my very best friend, a mother of 2 and Gramma of three of my favorite little people ever!!! I love to read your blog. I can relate to your love of vintage/antique things. I have and use many myself. I have an old wood cook stove that I use and cook on or in every day during the winter months. I still love to hang my laundry outside on the clothes line. These are just a couple of things I do that my friends say I do the hard way. I am not blogger myself but I follow several. I love to see what you all are up to and I feel like you all are my friends even though we have never met. Thank you for sharing all you do with all of us.

    1. Hi Fran!

      I'm so jealous of your old wood cook stove! I sure wish I could see a picture of it.... maybe start a blog?? ;)

      "The hard way." Yes, I hear that too. Especially from my mother LOL

      I consider all my visitors friends, so I know what you mean :)

      Thank YOU for sharing a little about yourself too.


  75. Hi Rue! I admit it I am a terrible lurker. I guess I get this mindset that no one would really care about my opinions. lol I love your blog and your old-fashioned life and home. I really get a kick out of the warm cozy posts and your interesting take on decorating and living. Keep on doing what you are doing, and I MAY try to actually post comments. My name is Sue, by the way, and I am from a tiny town in Central IL. I lived for years without central air and when we finally got it, I was so excited! We live in a house we have added on to over the years. Been married for 33 years and in the house 32. It is not fancy, but it is my home and I am very attached to it. I don't go with the latest decorating trends. I love primitive/antique furniture and have a lot of vintage items as they are more in my price range. I love Salvation Army and yard sales. Need to stay away from them! lol Thanks for writing you blog, I really enjoy it!

    1. Hi Sue :)

      I care about what you have to say! And you post a comment whenever you want. I promise I'll read it and comment back. Sadly it sometimes takes me awhile due to time restraints, but I always do.

      Congratulations on the central air! Color me jealous lol And 32 years in the same house and married for 33... wow! That's great :) And trust me... I have to stay away from those places too ;)

      Thank you for your lovely words.


  76. Hi Rue, I've been away from blogging for a while because my father in law passed away, but I still love your blog!

    1. Hi Bonnie. I love the name that you use to post and I get it :) I also have a love of the name Bonnie because of my grandmother. Great name there too!

      I'm so sorry about your father-in-law. (((hugs)))

      I hope you post again. I just read your last entry on Bonnie Blogs and you're quite funny.

      Thank you for loving my blog!


  77. I love blogs like yours, and whenever I have the time I immerse myself in them and dream of living in a house like that!! It really makes my day. However I really never comment unless I feel I have something to offer. Usually not, because I come to learn and absorb.

    1. Hi Jane :)

      Come learn and absorb anytime you want and if you feel like commenting please do and if you don't, that's perfectly fine as well. I'm glad you decided to comment this time to say hi though. Thank you!


  78. I sure hope I didn't miss anyone! Thank you all so much. If anyone else wants to leave a comment, I promise I'll say hi back :)


  79. Hi sorry I'm little late been on vacation....I'm pat h from Kanasa City Mo. I've been following you for years RMS day. love your blog and your beautiful home. Sorry but I very rarely leave a comment . but I'm here thanks for sharing your beautiful home and Blog.

    1. Hi Pat! I of course remember you!! I'm so glad you commented. Thank you for commenting my old friend :)


  80. Hi Rue – my name is Kari and I live on a small farm in the Cdn Prairies where I have 5 horses and grow hay. I live in a blah 1961 bungalow that btwn work and the farm, is way too slowly starting to take form to my prairie farm decorating style with pieces that I have been collecting as long as I can remember. I recently found your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it - I love antiques, old music and movies and vintage TV shows and really just the good old fashioned life and values. I don’t blog and have really only started reading blogs in the last yr and am surprised to learn from this post and many of the comments from other bloggers here that you actually like comments. I always assumed it was just a nuisance to be yet another person who i.e. on your bookcase blog said “green”. I tend to only comment periodically when I have something to say or ask and really only on blogs that reply back thinking they are the only ones who have time to read all their comments – I will have to cut loose and comment a bit more! Thanks for caring to learn a little about your readers and for your great blog!

    1. Hi Kari :)

      I so miss having horses. How lucky you are!

      I don't know about everyone, but I love to hear from my readers. To me it's about the back and forth, but I completely understand why some people just want to read and run. I did that too in the beginning, before I had a blog and I sometimes do it now ;) And if I ask an opinion, I actually do want to hear it. I promise it's not a nuisance.

      And thank you for commenting. I sincerely appreciate it :)


    2. Ah ha - you are a horse girl too - that's great! I don't know what state you live in but I am pretty sure you live too far away to come riding sometime but you are always welcome! I have two vintage buggies and we could put on our vintage frocks and go for a good old fashioned drive thru the countryside too! What type of riding did you do ie pleasure riding, trail riding, jumping, showing, etc?

    3. I would adore coming to ride with you and that's really sweet of you to ask! But, I live in Arizona.

      I used to do hunter/jumper and dressage and yes, I was in shows :)


  81. Hi Rue, I'm Jennifer from Alabama. I have recently learned that I am going to be a Grandmother so my life has changed drastically. I haven't read many blogs lately...but I do love yours. You always post something that makes me smile.

    1. I already wrote to you on your blog, but congratulations on being a grandmother! That is WAY more important than blogging :)

      And thank you!!


  82. Rue, I just found your blog the other day and am reading backwards. I'm a native Californian married to a Texan and living in the wonderful state of Texas, in the NE area of Texas. We have 3 daughters and son-in-laws, with 6 grandkids. Hope you'll drop by and visit my blog, At Rivercrest Cottage, when you have time.

    1. Hi there :)

      I will definitely be making a point to stop by for a visit! I'm sorry it took so long to answer this, but it didn't come in my email for some reason.

      Anyway, nice to "meet" you :)


  83. Hi, Rue! I also just found your blog and am getting caught up with your posts. I am a single, empty-nester with 4 children and 9 grandchildren. After living all of my life in the Midwest (Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado) I moved 2 years to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. This is truly my heart's home. I live next door to my oldest daughter and their 4 children. I am a mile and a half from a lovely beach on Puget Sound. I love to read, fix up my house, do various types of fiber arts including knitting, crochet, I used to weave, a bit of sewing, making things for the grandkids and play Klondike on FB. �� I feel as if I had been born in the wrong century and love to live as if it were an earlier time period - the 1800's or the Depression Years maybe. I very much enjoyed the video you shared about the English women who lived as if it were the 40's or 50's. Not the decades I would choose but I admire their willingness to follow their dream.

    1. Hi Jackie! Thank you for introducing yourself to me. It sounds like we're kindred spirits :)

      I'm off to visit you as well.


  84. Just found your blog, Rue. I'm an interior decorator from Chicagoland suburb. You look like the actress from Gone with the Wind, does anyone ever tell you that?

  85. Thank you so much, Mary Beth! You're awfully sweet to say so :)


  86. Hi Rue,

    I just found your blog for the first time today and I love your style! My name is Stacey and my blog is I've been blogging for only about two years now, typically on my lunch hour. I started blogging after my job as a marketing coordinator and I separated and I found myself jonesing to do something creative graphically. Then I discovered blogging and the world opened up. I love blogging/seeing other people's blogs because I feel we are all in this together and I love learning new things from new and old "friends". I live in an old farmhouse by the Erie Canal that was built in 1867.

    Your blog is so beautiful! You do nice work!


    Stacey K

    1. Thank you so much for your visit, Stacey and for sharing a little about yourself :)


  87. Hi Rue.. I'm Ginger Davies, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I used to read your old blog, and I had one of my own for a few years when I lived in Utah. I don't blog anymore, but I'm friends with lots of the old blogging group, on facebook.

    1. Hi Ginger! I'm so glad you found me again :)

      Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I always forget that my old posts need to be published. Oops!


  88. Hello=) I just stumbled upon your blog last night, and returned today. I grew up north, near the Canadian border, and lived in Ca. appx. 22 yrs., and also have lived in Tx., Ks and now Ok. Through all our travels, I've come to appreciate the simple joys in life. And, I also have a huge love of 'yesteryear'. Love your blog! =)

  89. Hi=) My name is Cheri. I thought I'd left a comment, but it's not showing up. I grew up in Wa., in a little town close to the Canadian border, and lived appx. 22 yrs, in central Ca., then in Ks., Tx. & now Oklahoma. I love to travel to new places, and am a lover of nature and anything from the past & cozy homes with a retro feel, which is what drew me to your blog. I love your simplistic blog posts about everyday life. I will definitely bookmark this and return, because it gives me a happy feeling reading it! All the best to you!=)

  90. Hi Cheri!

    It's my fault. I always forget to check the comments that end up in the moderation box. I'm so sorry! I took that silly thing off for now :)

    I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy my blog. It's such a wonderful complement!

    All the best to you too :)


  91. Well hello! I noticed that someone clicked through to my blog from yours, so naturally I had to come say hi (and thank you for linking me in your sidebar!) I'm glad I did, too! It's always nice to discover more blog to read and new friends to make. <3 I'm Kristina and I live on the coast of Washington, amongst the trees and moss and so much rain. I have 2 (and... a quarter... being 9 weeks pregnant) kids, I love avocadoes, and currently I'm writing furiously for National Novel Writing Month which, in true procrastinator style, I started late and have yet to catch up.

    It's so nice to "meet" you!

  92. I don't have time beating around the bush, instead I go straight to the point.... So to you doubters I ain't expecting you all to believe my testimony but only the few chosen ones by God. In a short summary, I'm here to tell the whole world that I recently got cured from my long term herpes disease, both the HSV1 and HSV2 through the assistance of Herbalist doctor Oyagu I pray God continually blesses Dr Oyagu in all he does, because he is indeed a very good, nice and powerful doctor. I’m cured of herpes disease at last! Wow I'm so much in great joy because I've never in my life believed herbs works, but meeting doctor Oyagu was an eye opener and he made me believe that herpes truly got a complete cure. I used the doctor's herbal medicine for just two weeks and I was totally cured from both my HSV1 and HSV2. I'm so excited. For help and assistance in getting rid of your herpes virus you can Call/WhatsApp doctor Oyagu on his telephone number: +2348101755322 or for more inquiries you can as well contact the doctor on EMAIL:

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Thank you so much for leaving a comment. It means so much to me that you took the time and I read each and every one. If you don't have a blog, look for a response under your comment. I try to get to them within a few days :)

For some reason, the comment box doesn't always show up, so if you want to leave a comment, replying to someone else's comment seems to work. Also, I've had to switch from safari to chrome in order to comment on blogger, so that might be the issue. If not, you can always reach me via email, located on my side bar. Thank you!