As my regular readers know, I actually use the majority of the antique and vintage things I own.
The only time a problem arises is when a guest or a certain child doesn't know how to use them.
Case in point...
Vintage percolators.
You'll notice below, that I have one on my stove.
That is not the first one I purchased, nor the second or the third.
It happens to be the fourth.
And it also doesn't happen to be the kind you plug in.
So, let me tell you the sad stories of their three untimely deaths....
The first one, I shared in this post.
It was a late 1950s beauty.
A friend of mine forgot to put water in it and then plugged it in.
It was a very sad death.
Sadly that sweet little pink polkadot coffee cup perished as well recently :(
This next one was a 1940s beauty that I posted about here.
Somebody filled it up with water while the cord was still plugged into the base, and water got in between the two. When they plugged it into the outlet, it started to smoke and melted the plug.
Another very sad and also scary death.
The third one, a 1950s beauty (not pictured) mysteriously stopped working when I was on vacation, while Annie was watching the dogs with a friend.
I'm not saying either one of them broke it, but it worked fine the morning I left.
So that leads us to the most recent percolator purchase...
A vintage 1940s/50s Comet 20 cup stovetop beauty with brass handles, that friends and children can't kill.
Well, let's hope not anyway.
I also purchased a 1940s tea kettle recently....
and let me tell you, that baby is LOUD when it whistles.
They look cute together don't they? :)
So, although it's sad that three percolators had to perish at the hands of people that don't know what they're doing had the best intentions, at least there was a happy ending to the story.
I love happy endings, don't you?
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