I had a few questions asked on my post about Julia (my monitor top refrigerator), and the last post about the kitchen, so I thought I'd answer them here, even though I usually answer in the comments, by email, or in my comment on your blog.
I just figured that if someone asked, others might be interested too :)
While you read along, I threw in a few pictures of day to day life here.
So, first up is this comment from Diana:
"I, of course, love your kitchen, BUT, I am curious about your "every day, from scratch" cooking. Nobody does that much anymore and I would love to hear what you cook. Recipes not necessary, just a list. I love to read about your house and projects. Thank you for sharing! "
Here's the list of 5 dinners for this week:
Monday we had left over red beans and rice, which I had saved in the freezer.
Yesterday, we had a savory dutch baby with parmesan and mushrooms and a small salad w/ a homemade white balsamic vinaigrette.
Tonight I'm cooking a pork roast with acorn squash slices.
For the other two nights:
French onion soup
Steak with blue cheese, mashed potatoes and artichokes
I'll be going to the store Friday, as usual, to shop for the next 3 or 4 days, which is usually how long I plan out for dinners and then I'll go again on Tuesday. I've tried shopping once a week, but I would always end up not wanting what I chose 5 days in advance lol
Most of my recipes come from my cookbooks or family recipes, unless I find something on the internet that makes me drool.
For breakfast, I have steel cut oats with maple syrup and heavy cream, or granola, and John doesn't eat breakfast, except sometimes on Sundays, when he'll make something like french toast, eggs and home fries,
For lunch, I'll have something like cheese and fruit.
For dessert, I'll make a cake, cookies or pie, although we've been cutting down on sweets. Tonight though, I made a chocolate pudding cake from scratch. No cake mix for me!
Not chocolate pudding cake! |
Just about everything is made from scratch. I make my own salad dressings, croutons, mock Bisquick, and broth, etc.
making broth |
The only already made things I buy once in awhile are crackers, bread (although I do make it occasionally), and sweets (in the hot summer months), but they're organic.
I do plan on learning how to can and hopefully, next year I'll have a vegetable and fruit garden.
I think I answered more than anyone wanted to know lol
Miss Merry asked:
"Can I ask the fragrance of your candle?"
It's just a candle I picked up at wallyworld, when I was in a hurry, called Banana Bread by Better Homes and Garden. Not too great, but not too bad either ;)
Dewena asked:
"Julia is beautiful and she should feel very loved after all your hard work! Congratulations on bringing her to a home I'm sure she feels very at home in. Does she keep cold? Does she have to be defrosted, a job I do not remember with pleasure? I know to you she would be worth it though. The next time I spot her sister in one of my old magazines I'll be thinking of her."
Yes, she keeps really cold! In fact, when we first tested her after bring her home, I put a glass of water on her top shelf and it froze within an hour. As far as defrosting, it's been almost a month and she barely has any buildup at all, so I'm not sure how often it'll have to be done yet, but I'm sure I will at some point. The other fridge had to be defrosted quite often, so I'm used to it :)
BJ asked where I got Julia:
We found her in an antique store down the street. At first she wasn't for sale, but one day she was and that's when she came to her new home!
Su asked:
"So the little freezer section on it, does it freeze? Some small refrigerators in Italy don't have a door on the freezer. Did he put a new motor in it?"
Yes, the freezer section works really well! This one had a door, but sadly it broke off. And no, we didn't need to put a new motor on it. We just needed to put a new seal around the door and paint it.
I think I answered everyone. If I missed someone or if anyone has any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
Within reason of course ;)